Testing overviews, resources, and contacts
CEEB Code: 470026
Overview of Assessments
Standards of Learning (SOLs)
- Students earning a standard diploma will need to pass 4 SOL tests (or their substitute), and the associated course, in order to graduate: Math (Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra 2), Science (Biology, Chemistry, or Earth Science/Geosystems), and English (Writing and Reading). Students must sit for Algebra I or Geometry, Biology, and Reading to meet Federal Participation requirements.
- SOL Non-Writing tests are multiple choice, online, and untimed. They are scheduled to be taken in April or May of the year the course has been taken. Your classroom teacher will provide review prior to the SOL test connected to that course.
- The Writing SOL is a two-part test, consisting of an essay and a multiple-choice portion. Students complete one portion per day, test is taken online.
- Students in History courses will be completed Project Based Assessments (PBAs) to earn verified credits. Students who are enrolled in US/VA Government as 12th graders and have not earned a verified credit will sit for a History SOL exam in order to earn the necessary verified credit.
SOL Resources
- Virginia Department of Education - online resource for parents, students, teachers, and counselors including released SOL tests, ePats, graduation requirements, and Project Graduation tutorials
- VDOE Testing & Standards of Learning (SOL)
- SOLpass - review and practice for the Virginia SOL tests by playing games!
WIDA assessments are given yearly to all students with an English Language Proficiency (ELP) level of 1-4, and consists of 4 domains: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. Testing occurs over multiple days, is assessed on the computer, and will mostly be done through EL classes.
- The PSAT/NMSQT stands for the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, which students take as a sophomore or junior. High enough marks on the PSAT/NMSQT as a junior can help a student land a National Merit Scholarship, which can mean scholarships for college (in 2020-2021, about 2 million students took the PSAT, and about 7500 were National Merit Scholars, under 4%).
- Students can gauge the value of the PSAT in two ways, experts say. One is as a pathway to one of these scholarships and the other is as test prep for the SAT, which is broadly used as a college admissions exam.
- The Digital PSAT has two sections: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. You’ll encounter passage-based questions—sometimes accompanied by tables, graphs, and charts—and math problems drawing upon algebra, geometry, and a little trig.
PSAT Resources
- The College Board states that the SAT is intended to measure literacy, numeracy and writing skills that are needed for academic success in college. They state that the SAT assesses how well the test-takers analyze and solve problems—skills they learned in school that they will need in college.
- The SAT has two main sections, namely Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW, normally known as the "English" portion of the test) and the Math section. These are both further broken down into four sections: Reading, Writing and Language, Math (no calculator), and Math (calculator allowed).
- West Potomac will be administering the digital SAT on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 to all 12th graders who registered by Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Emails were sent home with a form to complete to register.
- West Potomac will be administering the digital PSAT on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 to most 10th and 11th graders enrolled at West Potomac.
SAT Resources
SOL Testing Calendar & Bell Schedule

Rebecca Watt
Assessment Coach
College Board and ACT Accommodations Specialist
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
Advanced Placement Testing Coordinator
- Biology Teacher, HS