
Class of 2025

Parents, please donate your time for the SENIOR BREAKFAST on Thursday, April 3rd!


Graduation is June 2nd at 9:30am at Eagle Bank Arena, George Mason University

Please check back here for more information soon!! 

Important Dates & Events

SENIOR DUESPayment was 
due on 12/20/24
$85 – MySchoolBucks or 
by cash/check in the Finance Office
Please pay ASAP
Senior Breakfast (Anita’s)Thursday, April 3rd9:45am – 11:10am Advisory
Please look out for Parent Volunteer Sign Up
Prom Saturday, April 26th8pm-11pmTorpedo Factory
Senior BashTuesday, May 20th 
Rain Date May 29th
Please look out for Parent Volunteer Sign Up
Aux Field, Parking Lot 
Senior RehearsalFriday, May 30th 11am-1pmMain Gym
Graduation Monday, June 2nd9amEagle Bank Arena, 
George Mason University

Senior Day of Service

We are pleased to announce the Senior Day of Service for the Class of 2025.

With graduation being so early this year, we do not have room in the calendar for a traditional SHOUT program. However, we have been able to fine tune things and give the Class of 2025 the first ever Senior Day of Service! Senior Day of Service will take place on Tuesday, May 27, 2025.

Students will participate in service projects at the location of their choice.

Seniors who wish to participate in the program are responsible for finding a place in the community to volunteer for that day. Students can only participate in projects here at WPHS if they can be directly supervised the entire time they are completing their work. The goal is for students to go out into the greater community to support and have a positive and meaningful impact. With that said, if you have an idea that would enhance our West Potomac HS community, please reach out to your administrator for prior approval.

To participate in the program, students must submit an application. New this year: teachers will not have to sign off on the application. 

Applications are due to the library by 1:30 pm on Friday, May 16th. Students will be notified via email by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 20th if their project has been approved or not. A list will be sent to teachers on Tuesday, May 20th as well.

If you have any questions, email Ms. Landon (@email).

Senior Class Sponsors & Admin

Senior Class Sponsors

Please reach out to Class of 2025 Sponsors, Sejal Parekh @email and Tracy Scheel @email with any questions. 

Class of 2025 Administrators

Janet Babic @email 

YARD SIGNS are here! Order yours today!

PARENTS!!! ORDER your Class of 2025 sign today! We have a limited quantity. 
Class of '25 Signs Purchase here:

Stay Connected on Social Media!

JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA”

JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025”
This is a private group for parents and students. 

College & Career Center Social Media

Twitter:  @wphsccc

Insta:  westpoccc


Senior Dues

Please pay Senior Dues via My School Bucks if you haven't already as this fee is now past due. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma, Programs, Eagle Bank, etc…).

Senior Pictures

We want all seniors included in the Yearbook! If you have not already, please sign up for senior pictures using this link:

$25 for '25 Campaign

We have kicked off our $25 before ‘25 fundraising campaign! Please consider donating to help fund our Senior Bash in May. Thanks!  


How to save your files before you leave FCPS

Students Leaving FCPS Should Download Their Files

  • Once you graduate, it’s important to know that your Google Workspace account will be automatically deactivated once you are no longer actively enrolled in FCPS. This process happens during the summer, shortly after the end of the school year.  Once your account is deactivated, you will no longer be able to login to your FCPS Google Drive or access your FCPS Gmail.
  • Download or export any files you wish to keep before graduation. The download process of files can take several days, so please make sure to give yourself plenty of time.
  • This year students have the option to use Google Takeout to export their files. Visit Google’s directions here: How to download your Google data using Takeout. It’s important to know that you will only be able to export files for which you are the owner.
  • If you’d prefer to manually select files from your Drive to download, follow the Downloading Your Data instructions on the Google Workspace Information for Students and Parents page of the FCPS website. 

Post-Secondary Planning Resources

Seniors Celebrate on Dave & Busters Trip