School Innovation and Improvement Plan (SIIP)

An at-a-glance look at outcome goals for the 2024 - 2025 academic school year

Performance in Coursework


● ML students passing the Reading SOL will increase by at least 10% from 33% in SY 2023-204 to 37% in SY 2024-2024 the school as measured by the school improvement and innovation plan workbook.
● By the end of SY2024-2025, the percent of MLs showing progress on the WIDA will increase by at least 10% from 57% to 63% as measured by the school improvement and innovation plan workbook.


● ELA: Use formative integrated reading and writing tasks (i.e., reading responses, annotations).
● INSTRUCTION: Provide regular opportunities for students to reflect on their learning experiences, set goals for growth, and track their progress over time.

Progress in Advanced Coursework


● The percent of 9th grade Black or African American students earning a C- or better in all of their classes will increase by at least 10% from 57% in SY 2023-2024 to 63% in SY 2024-2025, while the percent of 9th grade Hispanic students earing a C- or better in all of their classes will increase by at least 10% from 47% in SY 2023-2024 to 50% in SY 2024-2025 as measured by the school improvement and innovation plan workbook.
● The percent of students earning a C- or better in all of their courses will increase by at least 5% from 64 % in SY 2023-2024 to 68% in SY 2024-2025 as measured by the school improvement and innovation plan workbook.


● Increase use of Young Scholars wraparound supports in MTSS based on specific needs.
● Increase opportunities for student reflection, goal-setting, and feedback that supports growth around content and Portrait of a Graduate skills.

College Career Civic Readiness


● CCCRI for the 2025 cohort will increase by at least 5% from 83% in SY 2023-2024 to 88% in SY 2024-2025.


● Embed HQWBL and Service Learning Experiences into content courses and ensure teachers have training for capturing those experiences in the gradebook. *For the current cohort, it is especially important to include an HQWBL Service Learning Experience into a course that 12th grade students who have not yet met CCCRI are taking (i.e. English 12 or Government, as appropriate). For future planning, embed HQWBL and Service Learning into earlier grade levels.
● Designate and optimize a CCCRI team (can be combined with the graduation team) focused on analyzing, tracking, and monitoring student data relating to students' successful progress and completion of CCCRI and graduation requirements with high frequency

Chronic Absenteeism


● By June 2025, chronic absenteeism will be below 15% (level 1 for state accreditation) as measured by the chronic absenteeism dashboard.


● Schools will implement practices to recognize good and improved attendance to reinforce attendance and strengthen student and family engagement.
● MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze attendance along with behavior and wellness data bi-monthly to identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.

Student Group Strategies


● By spring 2025, the English SOL pass rate for students with disabilities will increase by at least 5% from 73% in SY 2023-2024 to 78% in SY 2024-2025. 


● Use formative integrated reading and writing tasks (i.e., reading responses, annotations).
● Explicitly model problem-solving strategies, thinking processes, and academic skills to support students in engaging with rigorous tasks.



● By June 2025, 70% or more students will pass the Science SOL test scores to meet Level 1 for VDOE Standards of Accreditation.


● Increase frequency of student learning experiences that are inquiry-based and hands-on.
● Increase opportunities to develop science content vocabulary through inquiry-based learning, such as during the Explore of the 5E learning model, followed by explicit instruction during the Explain.
● Use discourse strategies and thinking routines to increase students’ academic conversations.
● Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress throughout units.



● By June 2025, the SOL pass rate for special education students in math will increase by at least 5% from 74% to 79% as measured by the SOA Academic indicator workbook.


● Utilize division created unit summative assessments to plan for instruction and intervention. 
● Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress throughout units.
● Teacher led small-group intervention and remediation.