Regular Bell Schedule

The school office hours are 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

24-25 bell schedule

Lunch Schedule

5th Period A100s, 200s, 705, 707, WP Students going to Academies off site (Edison etc.)6th Period A100s, 200s, WP Students going to Academies off site (Edison etc.)
5th Period B300s, 600s, 4476th Period B300s, 600s, 717-724
5th Period C400s, 700s (non-Lab)6th period C400s, 725, 729
5th Period D500s, 706, Cat B, PE, WP Academy Students6th Period D500s, 700 labs, Cat B, PE, WP Academy Students
Contingency Bells