WPHS News You Choose - 2/7/25
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Table of Contents
- Important Dates
- Principal’s Message
- School News
- Class of 2025
Important Dates
February 11 - PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library 6:30 pm, Guest Speaker, Karen Young, WPHS College and Career Specialist
February 13 thru 15 - Twelfth Night - The Musical, WPHS
February 14 - 2nd Quarter A/B Honor Roll Celebration (Volunteers Needed)
February 20 - West Potomac Academy Open House, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
February 20 - Welding Open House, Bryant High School, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
February 20 thru 22 - Twelfth Night - The Musical, WPHS
March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins
April 1 - Virginia PTA Scholarship Applications Due
April 3 - Senior Breakfast
April 26 - Prom
May 20 - Senior Bash
June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am
Principal’s Message
Wolverine Community,
I hope everyone had a great week. As we conclude National School Counseling Week, I want to again extend my sincere gratitude to our amazing Student Services Department at West Potomac!
As we start the third quarter, I want to remind you that 2nd quarter and 1st semester grades are available in ParentVue. We will only be mailing report cards to those families who have not yet setup their ParentVue account.
This month we celebrate Black History Month. Black History Month began as a way of teaching young people about Black and African Americans' contributions to the US. Today it celebrates Black people’s activism and achievements around the world. In addition, it celebrates Black people's resistance to oppression.
Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change) FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.
- The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate.
- The event is open to the entire community.
- For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.
Mark your calendars: PTSA is meeting Tuesday February 11 at 6:30 pm in the library. See flier later in this message for details.
Below is an opportunity for students to apply and get involved. I would love to see a Wolverine student in this role.
This week, in conjunction with our dedicated PTSA we held our Rising Stars celebration. Students are nominated by their teachers for this award. Thank you to our outstanding faculty and staff for the amazing nominations and to your students for being wonderful Wolverines.
Biology information session:
- There will be an information session addressing concerns and detailing changes happening within ALL Biology 1 and Biology 1 Honors classes for the second semester. The session will be led by science assistant principals Dr. Brian Valentine and Mr. Dan Seidenberg. To receive the link for the virtual meeting, please register here: https://myfcpsk12.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1fmNqy7ZRaSwAj0qG0L-Uw
Opportunity to Apply for Student Representative to the Fairfax County School Board
- Each year, in accordance with FCPS Policy 1802, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) students have the opportunity to apply for the position of the student representative to the School Board. The student representative is not a member of the School Board, but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity, representing the interests of the students of Fairfax County Public Schools. Students who are currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply, and they do not need to be current members of the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SAC). The student representative shall be a resident of Fairfax County or Fairfax City and a student in Fairfax County Public Schools.
- The application involves 2 components. Both are required to be considered for the election.
- Written Applications are due February 24, 2025.
2025 Student Representative to the School Board
- A thirty second candidate video statement due March 24, 2025. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on March 10, 2025.
- The 2025 election will consist of two parts:
- The first part of the election is a virtual Primary Election held on April 3, 2025, using FCPS Zoom. Candidates have the option to attend the Primary election. Candidates will be notified by email regarding the Primary Election results.
- The second part of the election is a General Election held in person on April 9, 2025, at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Candidates who advanced from the Primary Election are required to attend the General Election on April 9, 2025.
Additional information and details regarding both the Primary and General Elections will be shared with candidates.
Deadline Date: Monday, February 24, 2025
If you have questions, please reach out to:
Dr. Ma’asehyahu Isra-Ul or Dr. Craig Perrier [email protected] [email protected] 571-423-4795 571-423-479
Do you have college and career questions? Preparing for post-secondary plans can be overwhelming, thankfully we have an expert to help navigate it all! Please join us for our next PTSA Meeting, Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30 pm in the WPHS Library. Karen Young, WPHS College and Career Specialist, will be our guest speaker. Both parents and students are welcome!
2nd Quarter A/B Honor Roll Celebration
Please help us celebrate our 2nd Quarter A/B Honor Roll students on Friday, February 14th by helping the PTSA serve students chips and queso from Moe's! Please review the sign up genius for more details. We will be serving students during all four lunch periods, if you can't come the whole time, please consider signing up for a portion of it. We look forward to seeing you for this fun event!
Virginia PTA 2024-25 Scholarship Program
Just one more benefit to being a PTSA Member!
Since the 1920’s Virginia PTA has awarded annual scholarships to enrich educational opportunities for Virginia’s graduating seniors. We are proud to continue the tradition of recognizing graduating seniors for their commitment to academic scholarship and community service.
- Applying high school seniors must be a student PTA member of a Virginia based High School PTA/PTSA that is in good standing with Virginia PTA
- Applying high school seniors should plan to enroll in one of the following continuing education options for the 2025-2026 school year
- College/University four-year academic degree program
- Technical, vocational, or associate degree (2-3 year) program
- Institute/College of Arts, Dance, or Design
- Special Education program within a technical, vocational, associate degree or a four-year academic program
FCCPTA Scholarships Applications Nominations are now open and are due by April 1st. These are open to High School Seniors who were members (by Dec 1) of PTSAs that are currently in “Good Standing” with FCCPTA/VAPTA. Scholarship are $500 for students continuing their education through an Academic, Technical, Fine Arts, or Special Education program. See the Scholarship Applications link for more information, and please reach out to the Scholarship Chair, Charles Havasy, at [email protected] with any questions.
VAPTA Scholarship deadline is 1 April.
PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.
- FREE digital AP Practice Tests for students at West Potomac High School.
- Promo Code: AP2025 Special Sign-up Link: applerouth.com/ap-practice-tests
- Applerouth has 12 test types available and students are welcome to opt in to as many tests as they would like. Students will receive comprehensive score reports, including scoring and feedback on their free-response questions.
Register for mock tests and test prep classes here
- Sophomores – Use your sophomore year to determine your test preference! Take both the ACT and SAT mock during the last semester to see which test is the best fit for you. Start thinking about your test prep timing. The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you have completed Algebra 2 or above during sophomore year, consider the fall prep class and official tests. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some or all your official testing completed before winter break of junior year? Studies show no score increase by waiting!
- Juniors – When you have completed Algebra 2 or above, you are ready for the official tests! If you still need to determine your test preference, take advantage of the mocks (take one of each test). You’ll still have time to take our spring or fall prep class! Just remember to plan your testing and prep schedule around the sports/extracurricular activities! The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you are taking Algebra 2 during junior year, target the June official test as your first attempt.
- SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next mocks (SAT and ACT) are 2/15/25, 3/8/25, 3/29/25 and 5/3/25.
SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Only 1 more class offered this year!
Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.
ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.
Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s Givebacks.com/store. Email receipt to Marilyn Aboff, [email protected], to complete enrollment.
- More details about content for SAT course available here.
- More about the ACT course
This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.
Scholarships - WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].
PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]
School News
Beyond the Page Theatre Company proudly presents, TWELFTH NIGHT – THE MUSICAL! This classic Shakespearean romantic comedy gets a modern makeover in this high-energy show, featuring infectious songs by Shaina Taub, mistaken identities, and plenty of hysterical laugh-out-loud moments!
Whether you're celebrating love or just love a good laugh, this is the show for you! Don’t miss this joyful, feel-good musical that will have you singing, swooning, and smiling all night long!
Bring someone special on February 14th and fall in love with the music, the mischief, and the magic of Twelfth Night!
Beyond the Page Theatre Company
DATES & TIMES: February 13 @ 7PM February 14 @ 7PM (Valentine’s Date Night!) February 15 @ 1PM & 7PM February 20 @ 7PM February 21 @ 7PM February 22 @ 1PM & 7PM
LOCATION: Kogelman Theatre, West Potomac High School
TICKETS & MORE INFO: www.WestPotomacTheatre.Org
Student Services
2025-26 Academic Advising
Next week we begin meeting with our current 10th graders for Academic Advising and Course Selection via PE 10. A reminder that students can come prepared to those meetings by going into StudentVue and selecting the classes they are interested in. Below is a reminder of the Academic Advising Schedule, deadlines to change classes, and links to a variety of resources on our website!
- Rising 11th graders – February 10th-21st (via PE 10 classes)
- Rising 10th graders – Feb 24th-March 7th (via PE 9 classes)
Please visit our West Potomac Course Selection website for a variety of resources and information such as:
- Rising 10th-12th Grade Course Offerings Sheet
- WPHS Course Catalog
- Directions on how to select courses in StudentVue
- Academic Advising / Course Selection Student Overview Video
Class of 2025
It is an exciting time for our seniors and parents. Our 100 Days Until Graduation (!!) Celebration is coming up this month! Thank you to everyone that has paid dues already!
SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via MySchoolBucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma Covers, Programs, Eagle Bank Transportation, etc…)
1. Order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign TODAY! There are a limited number left – DO NOT DELAY! Purchase signs here: https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1113130
2. Here is a list of our remaining Senior Events. Mark the dates and look out for ways you can help! We mostly need your time! Please sign up for helping out on February 26th!
- Wednesday, February 26th (note date change) – 100 Days Til Grad Celebration https://m.signupgenius.com/?#!/showSignUp/508044AACAF2BAA8-54876322-100ish
- Thursday, April 3rd – Senior Breakfast
- Saturday, April 26th – Prom
- Tuesday, May 20th (rain date May 29th) – Senior Bash 6pm-10pm
- Monday, June 2nd – Graduation
Please read information in News You Choose, WPHS Senior website, Facebook and Instagram so you don’t miss out on important information and dates…everything is happening fast, and we know there is A LOT going on!
-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays.
-JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/
-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxrThisis a private group for parents and students.
Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected]) Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected])
6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307 | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter