WPHS News You Choose - 2/7/25

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Table of Contents             

  • Important Dates            
  • Principal’s Message         
  • PTSA    
  • School News    
  • Class of 2025   

Important Dates       

February 11 - PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library 6:30 pm, Guest Speaker, Karen Young, WPHS College and Career Specialist 

February 13 thru 15 - Twelfth Night - The Musical, WPHS 

February 14 - 2nd Quarter A/B Honor Roll Celebration (Volunteers Needed) 

February 20 - West Potomac Academy Open House, 6:00 - 8:00 pm  

February 20 - Welding Open House, Bryant High School, 6:00 - 8:00 pm  

February 20 thru 22 - Twelfth Night - The Musical, WPHS 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins      

April 1 - Virginia PTA Scholarship Applications Due  

April 3 - Senior Breakfast  

April 26 - Prom  

May 20 - Senior Bash  

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am   

Principal’s Message   

Wolverine Community,

I hope everyone had a great week.   As we conclude National School Counseling Week, I want to again extend my sincere gratitude to our amazing Student Services Department at West Potomac! 

As we start the third quarter, I want to remind you that 2nd quarter and 1st semester grades are available in ParentVue.  We will only be mailing report cards to those families who have not yet setup their ParentVue account.  

This month we celebrate Black History Month.  Black History Month began as a way of teaching young people about Black and African Americans' contributions to the US. Today it celebrates Black people’s activism and achievements around the world. In addition, it celebrates Black people's resistance to oppression.

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change) FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   

  • The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate.
  • The event is open to the entire community. 
  • For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

Mark your calendars:  PTSA is meeting Tuesday February 11 at 6:30 pm in the library.  See flier later in this message for details

Below is an opportunity for students to apply and get involved.  I would love to see a Wolverine student in this role.

This week, in conjunction with our dedicated PTSA we held our Rising Stars celebration.  Students are nominated by their teachers for this award.  Thank you to our outstanding faculty and staff for the amazing nominations and to your students for being wonderful Wolverines. 

Biology information session:

  • There will be an information session addressing concerns and detailing changes happening within ALL Biology 1 and Biology 1 Honors classes for the second semester. The session will be led by science assistant principals Dr. Brian Valentine and Mr. Dan Seidenberg. To receive the link for the virtual meeting, please register here: https://myfcpsk12.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1fmNqy7ZRaSwAj0qG0L-Uw

Opportunity to Apply for Student Representative to the Fairfax County School Board

  • Each year, in accordance with FCPS Policy 1802, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) students have the opportunity to apply for the position of the student representative to the School Board. The student representative is not a member of the School Board, but serves in a nonvoting, advisory capacity, representing the interests of the students of Fairfax County Public Schools. Students who are currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 are eligible to apply, and they do not need to be current members of the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SAC). The student representative shall be a resident of Fairfax County or Fairfax City and a student in Fairfax County Public Schools.
    • The application involves 2 components. Both are required to be considered for the election.
    • Written Applications are due February 24, 2025.

2025 Student Representative to the School Board

    • A thirty second candidate video statement due March 24, 2025. Candidates will be emailed a link to record their video on March 10, 2025.
    • The 2025 election will consist of two parts:
      • The first part of the election is a virtual Primary Election held on April 3, 2025, using FCPS Zoom. Candidates have the option to attend the Primary election. Candidates will be notified by email regarding the Primary Election results.
      • The second part of the election is a General Election held in person on April 9, 2025, at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Candidates who advanced from the Primary Election are required to attend the General Election on April 9, 2025.

Additional information and details regarding both the Primary and General Elections will be shared with candidates.

Deadline Date: Monday, February 24, 2025

If you have questions, please reach out to:

Dr. Ma’asehyahu Isra-Ul or Dr. Craig Perrier [email protected] [email protected] 571-423-4795 571-423-479


Do you have college and career questions? Preparing for post-secondary plans can be overwhelming, thankfully we have an expert to help navigate it all! Please join us for our next PTSA Meeting, Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30 pm in the WPHS Library. Karen Young, WPHS College and Career Specialist, will be our guest speaker. Both parents and students are welcome! 

2nd Quarter A/B Honor Roll Celebration 

Please help us celebrate our 2nd Quarter A/B Honor Roll students on Friday, February 14th by helping the PTSA serve students chips and queso from Moe's! Please review the sign up genius for more details. We will be serving students during all four lunch periods, if you can't come the whole time, please consider signing up for a portion of it. We look forward to seeing you for this fun event!  

Virginia PTA 2024-25 Scholarship Program 

Just one more benefit to being a PTSA Member! 

Since the 1920’s Virginia PTA has awarded annual scholarships to enrich educational opportunities for Virginia’s graduating seniors. We are proud to continue the tradition of recognizing graduating seniors for their commitment to academic scholarship and community service. 



  • Applying high school seniors must be a student PTA member of a Virginia based High School PTA/PTSA that is in good standing with Virginia PTA 
  • Applying high school seniors should plan to enroll in one of the following continuing education options for the 2025-2026 school year 
  • College/University four-year academic degree program 
  • Technical, vocational, or associate degree (2-3 year) program 
  • Institute/College of Arts, Dance, or Design 
  • Special Education program within a technical, vocational, associate degree or a four-year academic program 

FCCPTA Scholarships Applications Nominations are now open and are due by April 1st.  These are open to High School Seniors who were members (by Dec 1) of PTSAs that are currently in “Good Standing” with FCCPTA/VAPTA.  Scholarship are $500 for students continuing their education through an Academic, Technical, Fine Arts, or Special Education program.  See the Scholarship Applications link for more information, and please reach out to the Scholarship Chair, Charles Havasy, at [email protected] with any questions. 

VAPTA Scholarship deadline is 1 April. 

PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.

  • FREE digital AP Practice Tests for students at West Potomac High School. 
  • Promo Code: AP2025 Special Sign-up Link: applerouth.com/ap-practice-tests
  • Applerouth has 12 test types available and students are welcome to opt in to as many tests as they would like.  Students will receive comprehensive score reports, including scoring and feedback on their free-response questions.  

Register for mock tests and test prep classes here

  • Sophomores – Use your sophomore year to determine your test preference! Take both the ACT and SAT mock during the last semester to see which test is the best fit for you.  Start thinking about your test prep timing. The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you have completed Algebra 2 or above during sophomore year, consider the fall prep class and official tests. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some or all your official testing completed before winter break of junior year? Studies show no score increase by waiting!
  • Juniors – When you have completed Algebra 2 or above, you are ready for the official tests! If you still need to determine your test preference, take advantage of the mocks (take one of each test). You’ll still have time to take our spring or fall prep class! Just remember to plan your testing and prep schedule around the sports/extracurricular activities! The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you are taking Algebra 2 during junior year, target the June official test as your first attempt.
  •  SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next mocks (SAT and ACT) are 2/15/25, 3/8/25, 3/29/25 and 5/3/25.
  • SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Only 1 more class offered this year!

    • Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.

  • ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.

  • Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s Givebacks.com/store. Email receipt to Marilyn Aboff, [email protected], to complete enrollment.

    • More details about content for SAT course available here.
    • More about the ACT course 

      This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.

  • Scholarships - WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].  

  • PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]

    Test Prep Web Page Link

School News 

Beyond the Page Theatre Company proudly presents, TWELFTH NIGHT – THE MUSICAL! This classic Shakespearean romantic comedy gets a modern makeover in this high-energy show, featuring infectious songs by Shaina Taub, mistaken identities, and plenty of hysterical laugh-out-loud moments! 

Whether you're celebrating love or just love a good laugh, this is the show for you! Don’t miss this joyful, feel-good musical that will have you singing, swooning, and smiling all night long! 

Bring someone special on February 14th and fall in love with the music, the mischief, and the magic of Twelfth Night! 


Beyond the Page Theatre Company  

DATES & TIMES: February 13 @ 7PM February 14 @ 7PM (Valentine’s Date Night!) February 15 @ 1PM & 7PM February 20 @ 7PM February 21 @ 7PM February 22 @ 1PM & 7PM 

LOCATION: Kogelman Theatre, West Potomac High School 

TICKETS & MORE INFO: www.WestPotomacTheatre.Org 

Student Services 

2025-26 Academic Advising

Next week we begin meeting with our current 10th graders for Academic Advising and Course Selection via PE 10.  A reminder that students can come prepared to those meetings by going into StudentVue and selecting the classes they are interested in.  Below is a reminder of the Academic Advising Schedule, deadlines to change classes, and links to a variety of resources on our website!

  • Rising 11th graders – February 10th-21st (via PE 10 classes)
  • Rising 10th graders – Feb 24th-March 7th (via PE 9 classes)

Please visit our West Potomac Course Selection website for a variety of resources and information such as:

Class of 2025  


It is an exciting time for our seniors and parents. Our 100 Days Until Graduation (!!) Celebration is coming up this month! Thank you to everyone that has paid dues already!  

SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via MySchoolBucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma Covers, Programs, Eagle Bank Transportation, etc…)   

1. Order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign TODAY!There are a limited number left – DO NOT DELAY! Purchase signs here:  https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1113130   

2. Here is a list of our remaining Senior Events. Mark the dates and look out for ways you can help! We mostly need your time! Please sign up for helping out on February 26th! 

- Wednesday, February 26th (note date change) – 100 Days Til Grad Celebration https://m.signupgenius.com/?#!/showSignUp/508044AACAF2BAA8-54876322-100ish 

- Thursday, April 3rd – Senior Breakfast 

- Saturday, April 26th – Prom 

- Tuesday, May 20th (rain date May 29th) – Senior Bash 6pm-10pm 

- Monday, June 2nd – Graduation 

Please read information in News You Choose, WPHS Senior website, Facebook and Instagram so you don’t miss out on important information and dates…everything is happening fast, and we know there is A LOT going on!  

-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays. 

-JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/ 

-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxrThisis a private group for parents and students. 

Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected])
Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected]

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

News You Choose - 1/31/25

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Table of Contents            

  • Important Dates           
  • Principal’s Message        
  • PTSA   
  • School News   
  • School Fundraisers 
  • Class of 2025    

Important Dates      

February 4 - FAFSA/VASA Completion Event, 6-8pm, Library

February 6 - West Potomac Band & Color Guard Restaurant Day, El Fresco (all day) 

February 11 - PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library 6:30 pm  

February 20 - West Potomac Academy Open House, 6:00 - 8:00 pm 

February 20 - Welding Open House, Bryant High School, 6:00 - 8:00 pm 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins     

April 1 - Virginia PTA Scholarship Applications Due 

April 3 - Senior Breakfast 

April 26 - Prom 

May 20 - Senior Bash 

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am  

Principal’s Message  

Wolverine Community

Happy Friday Wolverines. With the loss of FCPS students, parents and FCPS employees in the terrible plane accident this week, my Friday message will focus on positivity. Given the Division wide impact of this tragedy, and for legal purposes, all messaging will be coming from our central office for the next few days.  Stay tuned for messages from Dr. Reid and FCPS.     

Next week is School Counselor Appreciation Week, and we at West Potomac High School want to express our sincere gratitude for our dedicated school counselors. They are truly devoted to our students, generously giving their time and expertise to ensure every student's needs are met. From guiding course selections and academic planning to supporting students' well-being and stress management, our counselors are invaluable. Please join us in thanking them for their exceptional contributions.

I cannot say it enough, but I am truly proud I am the principal at West Potomac High School.  Today I was able to walk around and visit a few classrooms and loved seeing all the amazing teachers in action; and all the students engaged and working hard.   I really appreciate all the hard work our students and teachers do each day.  Thank you to the parents and guardians in our community.  We appreciate you.    I hope you have a great weekend!


Jessica Statz, Principal


Just one more benefit to being a PTSA Member! 

Virginia PTA 2024-25 Scholarship Program 

Since the 1920’s Virginia PTA has awarded annual scholarships to enrich educational opportunities for Virginia’s graduating seniors. We are proud to continue the tradition of recognizing graduating seniors for their commitment to academic scholarship and community service. 



  • Applying high school seniors must be a student PTA member of a Virginia based High School PTA/PTSA that is in good standing with Virginia PTA 
  • Applying high school seniors should plan to enroll in one of the following continuing education options for the 2025-2026 school year 
  • College/University four-year academic degree program 
  • Technical, vocational, or associate degree (2-3 year) program 
  • Institute/College of Arts, Dance, or Design 
  • Special Education program within a technical, vocational, associate degree or a four-year academic program 

 FCCPTA Scholarships Applications Nominations are now open and are due by April 1st.  These are open to High School Seniors who were members (by Dec 1) of PTSAs that are currently in “Good Standing” with FCCPTA/VAPTA.  Scholarship are $500 for students continuing their education through an Academic, Technical, Fine Arts, or Special Education program.  See the Scholarship Applications link for more information, and please reach out to the Scholarship Chair, Charles Havasy, at [email protected] with any questions. 

VAPTA Scholarship deadline is 1 April. 

PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.

Register for mock tests and test prep classes

  • Sophomores – Use your sophomore year to determine your test preference! Take both the ACT and SAT mock during the last semester to see which test is the best fit for you.  Start thinking about your test prep timing. The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you have completed Algebra 2 or above during sophomore year, consider the fall prep class and official tests. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some or all your official testing completed before winter break of junior year? Studies show no score increase by waiting!
  • Juniors – When you have completed Algebra 2 or above, you are ready for the official tests!  If you still need to determine your test preference, take advantage of the mocks (take one of each test). You’ll still have time to take our spring or fall prep class! Just remember to plan your testing and prep schedule around the sports/extracurricular activities! The most effective results are seen if you complete your prep no more than two weeks before the official test. Plan on taking the official test three times. If you are taking Algebra 2 during junior year, target the June official test as your first attempt.

SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next mock SAT or ACT is 12/7/24.

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Only 1 more class offered this year!

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s Givebacks.com/store.

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.

  • More details about content for SAT course available here.
  • More about the ACT course 

Scholarships - WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].  

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]

Student Services 

2025-26 Academic Advising

Next week we will continue meeting with our current 11th graders for Academic Advising and Course Selection.  A reminder that students can come prepared to those meetings by going into StudentVue and selecting the classes they are interested in.  Below is a reminder of the Academic Advising Schedule, deadlines to change classes, and links to a variety of resources on our website!

  • Rising 12th graders – January 21st-24th, February 3rd-7th (via English 11 classes)
  • Rising 11th graders – February 10th-21st (via PE 10 classes)
  • Rising 10th graders – Feb 24th-March 7th (via PE 9 classes)

Please visit our West Potomac Course Selection website for a variety of resources and information such as:

College & Career Center 

FAFSA/VASA Completion Event at WPHS: 

In partnership with College Access Fairfax (CAF), WPHS will hold a FAFSA/VASA Completion event on February 4th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in our library.  Verified FAFSA IDs are required prior to attending the event.  It is highly recommended the student and parent/guardian attend together. Students should also bring their FCPS laptop to the event.  For additional information & completion event dates at neighboring high schools, please visit the College Access Fairfax website at  https://collegeaccessfairfax.org/ 

On-Site ODU Admissions Event: 

Old Dominion University will hold an on-site admissions event at WPHS on February 10th from 10 am - 11:15 am.  Our representative will be in the College & Career Center to give on-site admissions decisions for students who apply, submit an official transcript, and pre-register for this event by the February 4th deadline.  An email was sent to all seniors and senior parents/guardians with details about this event and how to register. Questions? Seniors can see Mrs. Young in the CCC or email [email protected] . 


School Fundraisers 

Take a break from cooking and support the West Potomac Bands and Color Guard by ordering from El Fresco all day (11am - 8pm). El Fresco is a relatively new addition to the Rt. 1 corridor, but it's delish! Who doesn't love the idea of chips and salsa, tacos and burritos when 20% of all sales from dine-in and carry out orders will go to the Band. Just be sure to mention West Potomac Band when you order. Tell friends, neighbors, and family! 

Class of 2025 


Thank you for all that have paid dues and taken care of our long list of things to do! 

  1. SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via MySchoolBucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma Covers, Programs, Eagle Bank Transportation, etc…) 
  1. Order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign TODAY! There are a limited number left – DO NOT DELAY!   

 Class of '25 Signs Purchase here:  https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1113130  

Here is a list of our remaining Senior Events. Mark the dates and look out for ways you can help! We mostly need your time! 

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS Prospective Student Open House (non-FCPS)

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Prospective Student (Non-FCPS family) Open House

  • Do you know a family who is thinking about enrolling their child at West Potomac for the 2025-26 school year and currently isn’t enrolled in an FCPS school? Please share with them that on Thursday, January 30 from 1-2:30pm we will be holding an open house to learn more about West Potomac!
  • Interested families are asked to RSVP using this form although not required.
  • The event will occur in Room 604 (please enter through Door 1 and check in at the Main Office).
  • If you have any questions, please email Kevin McMahon at [email protected].

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose 1/24/25

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Table of Contents           

  • Important Dates          
  • Principal’s Message       
  • PTSA  
  • School News  
  • School Fundraisers
  • Class of 2025   


Important Dates     

January 27 - Crew Boosters Restaurant Night Fundraiser, El Paso Mexican Restaurant       (Richmond Hwy location)

January 31 - WPHS Leadership Training Application Due   

February 11 - PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library 6:30 pm 

February 20 - West Potomac Academy Open House, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

February 20 - Welding Open House, Bryant High School, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins    

April 1 - Virginia PTA Scholarship Applications Due

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am   


Principal’s Message    

Wolverine Community,

I hope everyone had a great week!  One quick reminder, this coming Wednesday, January 29 is a teacher workday due to the end of the quarter; students do not attend school.

Thursday night West Potomac was honored at the School Board meeting as an Exemplar School for Continuous School Improvement.  I am truly proud of the hard work and dedication of our students and staff. 

Congratulations West Potomac High School!


After many conversations with the VA Department of Transportation we have finally convinced them to retime the traffic light at Quander Rd and Belle View Blvd. so that traffic flow is more efficient at dismissal for student drivers and families.


Congratulations to our West Potomac Academy for receiving four significant grants.

The West Potomac Academy Dancers received the Wolf Trap Grant for Performing Arts Teachers.

Partnering with ClancyWorks Dance Company, students will participate in lectures and dance instruction to understand the cultural and historical fundamentals of Hip Hop genres and classical Indian dance styles. Students will then work with artists to choreograph a piece that celebrates the similarities and differences between the genres to be later showcased at their annual spring performance. Through this project, students will gain a better understanding and appreciation for the diversity and richness of dance across cultures.



The Welding Academy received a Foundation for Applied Technical Education, Inc (FATE) Program Enhancement Grant.  With this generous donation the welding program will be able to purchase consumables to support students in the classroom and through their CTSO (SkillsUSA) competition.



Pharmacy Tech:

The project is titled "Enrichment and Enhancement of the Pharmacy Technician Course at West Potomac Academy." The grant funds from Educate Fairfax Grant will be used to establish an updated simulation pharmacy technician lab, equipped with new tools and technology, allowing students to practice essential skills required for their work-based learning experience, which includes 130 clinical hours in a dispensing pharmacy setting. This project supports the FCPS Strategic Plan Goal 5: Leading for Tomorrow’s Innovation, which focuses on the "availability of, accessibility to, and participation in multiple pathways and work-based learning opportunities."



Academy Ambassadors:

The West Potomac Academy Ambassadors, along with Edison Academy Ambassadors, Falls Church Academy Ambassadors, and Marshall Academy Ambassadors, have received special funding from Educate Fairfax for a collaborative public speaking training session with iContact Coaching. On February 4th, students from these four academies will participate in a Confident Communication Workshop at West Potomac. Our Academy Ambassadors represent their courses, instructors, and academies at various events throughout the year, and we are excited to build on their presentation skills and self-confidence.  




Just one more benefit to being a PTSA Member!


Virginia PTA 2024-25 Scholarship Program

Since the 1920’s Virginia PTA has awarded annual scholarships to enrich educational opportunities for Virginia’s graduating seniors. We are proud to continue the tradition of recognizing graduating seniors for their commitment to academic scholarship and community service.



  • Applying high school seniors must be a student PTA member of a Virginia based High School PTA/PTSA that is in good standing with Virginia PTA
  • Applying high school seniors should plan to enroll in one of the following continuing education options for the 2025-2026 school year
    • College/University four-year academic degree program
    • Technical, vocational, or associate degree (2-3 year) program
    • Institute/College of Arts, Dance, or Design
    • Special Education program within a technical, vocational, associate degree or a four-year academic program


FCCPTA Scholarships Applications Nominations are now open and are due by April 1st.  These are open to High School Seniors who were members (by Dec 1) of PTSAs that are currently in “Good Standing” with FCCPTA/VAPTA.  Scholarship are $500 for students continuing their education through an Academic, Technical, Fine Arts, or Special Education program.  See the Scholarship Applications link for more information, and please reach out to the Scholarship Chair, Charles Havasy, at [email protected] with any questions.

VAPTA Scholarship deadline is 1 April. 


PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.   

Register for Mock Tests and Test Prep Classes:



SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks.   

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00)     

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.    

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies    
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes    
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities    
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction    
  • Detailed Results analysis    

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.    

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store    

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.   

Scholarships - WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].     

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]    


School News

2025-26 Academic Advising

We have officially kicked off our Academic Advising season starting with our Rising 12th graders on Tuesday, January 21st! Here is our Academic Advising schedule:

  • Rising 12th graders – January 21st-24th, February 3rd-7th (via English 11 classes)
  • Rising 11th graders – February 10th-21st (via PE 10 classes)
  • Rising 10th graders – Feb 24th-March 7th (via PE 9 classes)

Please visit our West Potomac Course Selection website for a variety of resources and information such as:

Prospective Student (Non-FCPS family) Open House

    • Do you know a family who is considering enrolling their child at West Potomac for the 2025-26 school year and currently isn’t enrolled in an FCPS school? Please share with them that on Thursday, January 30 from 1-2:30pm we will be holding an open house to learn more about West Potomac!
    • Interested families are asked to RSVP using this form although not required.
    • The event will occur in Room 604 (please enter through Door 1 and check in at the Main Office).
    • If you have any questions, please email Kevin McMahon at [email protected].


College & Career Center

FAFSA/VASA Completion Event at WPHS:

In partnership with College Access Fairfax (CAF), WPHS will hold a FAFSA/VASA Completion event on February 4th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in our library.  Verified FAFSA IDs are required prior to attending the event.  It is highly recommended the student and parent/guardian attend together. Students should also bring their FCPS laptop to the event.  For additional information & completion event dates at neighboring high schools, please visit the College Access Fairfax website at  https://collegeaccessfairfax.org/


2025 Gap Year Fair for Students and their Families:

FCPS’ School Counseling Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at George C. Marshall High School from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.  This event is for high school students and parents who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities.  The evening will begin with a presentation in the auditorium from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m.  Immediately following, the program fair will be held in the cafeteria from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m., with representatives from over 30 programs offering gap year opportunities.  Students and their families are encouraged to meet the representatives and learn about the variety of experiences available.  Families are encouraged to pre-register for this event at https://www.fcps.edu/event/fairfax-county-public-schools-annual-gap-year-fair .


National Summer Program Fair

The National Summer Program Fair,  a large pre-college and summer opportunity fair coming to the Hilton Alexandria Marks Center on Thursday, January 30 from 4:30-7:00pm.  This free-to-attend fair is a mix of on-campus precollege programs at selective universities such as Brown, Columbia, Penn, and Yale; study abroad options; travel programs, test prep, and local community service opportunities--the over 100 exhibitors cover basically anything that a student in grade 9-12 could think of doing during the summer months.   Visit www.SummerProgramFair.com for more information.


WPHS Leadership Training    

The focus of this course is to complete and put forth projects throughout WP and the community, to improve and expand leadership skills on an individual level. Along with planning events such as Homecoming, students will participate in collaborative class discussions and group activities, team builders, and individual exercises and much more.

For rising Freshman: if you are interested in taking Leadership Training, there is a mandatory application that can be found at  https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplicationRising9 that is due by Friday January 31st at 11:59 PM. 


For rising 10th-12th graders: if you are interested in taking Leadership, check out the all student Schoology for more information and a link to the application. The application can also be found here: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplication25 and is due Friday January 31st  at 11:59 PM


If you have questions, please contact Nicole Borghard at [email protected] or Joe Petrucelli at [email protected].If you have questions, please contact Nicole Borghard at [email protected] or Joe Petrucelli at [email protected].


School Fundraisers

Restaurant Night at El Paso Mexican Restaurant on Monday, January 27th all day! Support the Orchestra by grabbing tacos, fajitas, quesadillas or other freshly made entrees!

Class of 2025


Thank you for all that have paid dues and taken care of our long list of things to do!

We have TWO action items that need your attention:  

  1. SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via MySchoolBucks. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma Covers, Programs, Eagle Bank Transportation, etc…)
  2. Order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign TODAY! Discounted to $15. There are a limited number left – DO NOT DELAY!  Class of '25 Signs Purchase here: https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1113130


-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays.


-JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/


-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxrThisis a private group for parents and students.


Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected])
Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected])

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose 1/17/25

GovDelivery3 weeks 5 days ago

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Table of Contents           

  • Important Dates          
  • Principal’s Message       
  • PTSA  
  • School News  
  • Class of 2025   


Important Dates     

January 21 - Academic Advising begins with Rising Seniors  

January 31 - WPHS Leadership Training Application Due   

February 11 - PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library 6:30 pm 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins    

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am   


Principal’s Message    

Happy Friday Wolverine Community,


I want to send my congratulations to our Scholastic Art Award winners this year.  West Potomac’s Fine Arts Department had 74 student winners.  We are proud of all our arts teachers and their students!

Way to go, Wolverines!

  • Gold Key Exhibition open February 13 to March 13 at the NOVA Ernest Cultural Center.
  • Gold Key Award Ceremony in the evening of March 5 at NOVA. Doors open at 6:30.


On Tuesday night, we hosted our Electives Fair and Rising 9th grade Night.  Thank you to all the teachers and students that volunteered to stay late and present.  And thank you to all the families that were able to make it to see all the great things West Potomac has to offer. 


We had an awesome Electives Fair over two days for students to learn about our elective courses and meet teachers and students currently teaching or in an elective course.






Our own Wolverine Girls Basketball team was featured in the Washington Post.  We are proud of our players and coaches.  Please see the link to the article below



January 28th is the end of the quarter, but it is NOT a 2 hour early release.  The January 29th is a teacher workday and a student day off. 


I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

-Jessica Statz, Principal



PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.   

Register for Mock Tests and Test Prep Classes:


SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks.   

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00)     

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.    

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies    
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes    
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities    
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction    
  • Detailed Results analysis    

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.    

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store    

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.   

Scholarships- WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].     

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]    


School News


Student Services  

2025-26 Academic Advising

We will kick off our Academic Advising season starting with our Rising 12th graders on Tuesday, January 21st:

  • Rising 12th graders – January 21st-24th, February 3rd-7th (via English 11 classes)
  • Rising 11th graders – February 10th-21st (via PE 10 classes)
  • Rising 10th graders – Feb 24th-March 7th (via PE 9 classes)

Please visit our West Potomac Course Selection website for a variety of resources and information such as:


WPHS Leadership Training:    

WPHS Leadership Training:  The focus of this course is to complete and put forth projects throughout WP and the community, to improve and expand leadership skills on an individual level. Along with planning events such as Homecoming, students will participate in collaborative class discussions and group activities, team builders, and individual exercises and much more.


For rising Freshman: if you are interested in taking Leadership Training, there is a mandatory application that can be found at  https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplicationRising9 that is due by Friday January 31st at 11:59 PM. 

 For rising 10th-12th graders: if you are interested in taking Leadership, check out the all student Schoology for more information and a link to the application. The application can also be found here: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplication25 and is due Friday January 31st  at 11:59 PM

 If you have questions, please contact Nicole Borghard at [email protected] or Joe Petrucelli at [email protected].If you have questions, please contact Nicole Borghard at [email protected] or Joe Petrucelli at [email protected].



Class of 2025

Class of 2025-Can you believe that we are close to finishing out the 2nd quarter already?!


On Jan 24th, we are hosting a Senior Day Out at Dave & Busters in Springfield, Va. The cost is only $35 dollars for unlimited basic arcade games & food. Bus transportation to & from West Potomac is available that day. All students should come to school first & check in with Mrs. Parekh in the IT Department. The rest of the day will be considered an excused absence. 

Jan. 24th, 2025


Tickets can be purchased here. 


We need parent volunteers for the Senior Day Out at Dave & Buster's on 1/24



-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays.
-JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxrThisis a private group for parents and students.

Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected])
Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected])

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose 1/10/25

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Table of Contents           

  • Important Dates          
  • Principal’s Message       
  • Student Services - Curriculum Night / Electives Open House – Rising 9th Grade Family Night 
  • PTSA  
  • School News  
  • Class of 2025   
  • Class of 2026 

Important Dates     

January 13 - Crew Boosters Restaurant Night, El Paso (Richmond Hwy location) - All Day 

January 14 - Curriculum Night, Electives Open House, Rising 9th Grade Family Night, 6:00 pm 

January 14 - Class of 2026 Restaurant Night, Chipotle, 5:00 - 9:00 pm 

January 15 - Orchestra Boosters Restaurant Night, Five Guys, Quander & Hybla Valley locations, 4:00 – 8:00 pm       

January 21 - Academic Advising begins with Rising Seniors  

January 31 - WPHS Leadership Training Application Due   

February 11 - PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library 6:30 pm 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins    

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am   


Principal’s Message    

Dear Wolverine Community,

I hope all Wolverines enjoyed their extended winter break.  Due to the snow, we had to reschedule a few events.  Those dates will be later in this message. 

I want to give a huge “Shout Out” to our custodial staff for their hard work getting our large campus cleared of most snow and ice, making it safe for our students and staff.  We greatly appreciate them!



Congratulations to Spanish Teacher Ms. Yamalie Rodgriguez Figueroa!

FCPS CARES submission: 

Mrs. Yamalie exemplifies what it means to be an outstanding educator and community leader, making her more than deserving of an FCPS Cares award. She consistently goes above and beyond for her students, colleagues, and the broader community. Her leadership in initiatives like Girl Up, Lend Hope, Hispanic Leadership, Spanish Honor Society, and the K-6 Enrichment class demonstrates her tireless commitment to fostering growth, empowerment, and opportunity for all. Recently, I approached Mrs. Yamalie with a request to support a project creating holiday cards for Choice, Respect, and Independence (CRI), an organization dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities. Without hesitation, she mobilized her four clubs to produce over 300 thoughtful, heartfelt cards, embodying the spirit of generosity and care that defines her character. In addition to her full-time teaching responsibilities, Mrs. Yamalie dedicates her Tuesday and Thursday evenings to providing enrichment classes for the children of parents enrolled in English/Literacy courses, ensuring that education is accessible and enriching for families across generations. Her ability to balance her teaching duties with such extensive extracurricular involvement and community service is nothing short of extraordinary. Mrs. Yamalie is a true superstar whose passion, energy, and commitment make a profound and lasting impact on everyone she encounters. She is an invaluable FCPS community asset and deserves this recognition.


Before winter break, PE teachers presented their basketball unit and culminated the unit with a basketball tournament. The picture is the winning team with Principal Statz. Way to go Wolverines!


I am excited about the next few months and working with our Wolverines!  Have a great weekend!


Jessica Statz, Principal


The Curriculum Night / Electives Open House / Rising 9th Grade Family Night event at West Potomac has been moved to Tuesday, January 14 starting at 6pm.

Below are a few reminders of the event. Academic Advising begins January 21 with our Rising seniors through English 11 classes. We’ve also posted some resources on our website, including the video that our 9th-11th graders will review in advisory on Friday. We encourage you to start reviewing these resources with your Wolverine!

Curriculum Night / Electives Open House / Rising 9th Family Night 

  • Please join us on Tuesday, January 14 for Rising 9th Grade Family Night, Curriculum Night, and Electives Open House! With academic advising right around the corner this is a great opportunity to come and learn about the wide variety of courses that West Potomac offers.  
  • There have been some curriculum option changes at the 9th and 10th grade level so we look forward to sharing that information! You can preview the curriculum breakout sessions here! (*Please note, there may be changes to our breakout sessions due to the shift in dates.)
  • We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, January 14 at 6pm! 

Academic Advising and Course Selection Resources

Thank you!

WPHS Student Services



PTSA’s Test Prep Program can helpyouachieveyour highest SAT or ACT score.    

Register for mock tests and test prep classes  

SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks.   

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00)     

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.    

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies    
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes    
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities    
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction    
  • Detailed Results analysis    

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.    

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store    

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.   

Scholarships- WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].     

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]    


WPHS Leadership Training:    

  • The focus of this course is to complete and put forth projects throughout WP and the community, to improve and expand leadership skills on an individual level. Along with planning events such as Homecoming, students will participate in collaborative class discussions and group activities, team builders, and individual exercises and much more.   

Flyer: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipFlyer   

For rising Freshman: if you are interested in taking Leadership Training, there is a mandatory application that can be found at https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplicationRising9 that is due by Friday January 31st at 11:59 PM.    

For rising 10th-12th graders: if you are interested in taking Leadership, check out the all student Schoology for more information and a link to the application. The application can also be found here: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplication25 and is due Friday January 31st  at 11:59 PM.   

If you have questions, please contact Nicole Borghard at [email protected] or Joe Petrucelli at [email protected].   

School Fundraisers 

WPHS Crew 

Restaurant Night at El Paso on Monday, January 13th - all day! Support the Crew team by grabbing tacos, fajitas, quesadillas or other freshly made entrees. Richmond Highway location. 



WPHS Orchestra 

Restaurant Night at Five Guys on Wednesday, January 15th, 4-8 pm. Support the orchestra program by grabbing a burger, dog, milkshake, or other freshly made entree at the Quander Road (6210 Quander Road) or Hybla Valley (7622 Richmond Highway) location. 


Class of 2025 SENIORS & PARENTS:   

Class of 2025-Happy New Year!  


We have a limited number of Senior Signs left. Perfect for your yard or hung on your kiddo’s wall. Don't delay, order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign today!  

Class of '25 Signs Purchase here: 


Thank you to Brielle Kirk for the Senior Sign design inspiration!! 


On Jan 27th, we are hosting a Senior Day Out at Dave & Busters in Springfield, Va. The cost is only $35 dollars for unlimited basic arcade games & food. Bus transportation to & from West Potomac is available that day. All students should come to school first & check in with Mrs. Parekh in the IT Department. The rest of the day will be considered an excused absence.  

Jan. 24th, 2025 


Tickets can be purchased here.  



-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays. -JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxrThisis a private group for parents and students. 

Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected]) Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected]

CLASS OF 2026 

Class of 2026 Fundraiser 

Join us at Chipotle to support the class of 2026, Tuesday January 14th 5-9pm. 

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose 12/20

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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Table of Contents          

  • Important Dates         
  • Principal’s Message      
  • Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House   
  • FCPS News    
  • PTSA 
  • School News 
  • Class of 2025  



Important Dates           

January 7 - Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House   

January 31 - WPHS Leadership Training Application Due  

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins   

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am  


Principal’s Message   


Dear West Potomac Community,

This will be a short Friday message.  Reminder, starting on January 13, we will add a second late bus day.   Monday and Thursday will be our 2 late bus days.

I say this a lot, but I am honored to be the principal of the Wolverines.   I love this community.   I hope everyone takes this winter break to relax and recharge.  I plan to disconnect from computers and phones while we are out. 

Have a safe and relaxing break.

Jessica Statz, Principal


Rising 9th Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House  

  • Please join us on Tuesday January 7 for Rising 9th Grade Family Night, Curriculum Night, and Electives Open House! With academic advising right around the corner this is a great opportunity to come and learn about the wide variety of courses that West Potomac offers.  
  • There have been some curriculum option changes at the 9thand 10thgrade level so we look forward to sharing that information! You can preview the curriculum break out sessions here!  
  • We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday January 7 at 6pm! 
  • If there is any inclement weather, the make up date would be January 9.   


FCPS News 

2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available  

  • The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form.   
  • Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA!  
  • Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access FairfaxOver the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website: https://collegeaccessfairfax.org/resources/  
  • In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].  



Minted Promo Code  

The WP PTSA has partnered with Minted and you can save 20%  by using the promo code FUNDRAISEPOTOMAC when you shop on Minted.com. Not only do you get 20% off but Minted will also share a part of their proceeds to support the WP PTSA.  

Apothecary Spices  

The PTSA has teamed up with Apothecary Spices. Save 15% on all Apothecary spices by using the promo code WOLVERINE15 when you shop on https://www.apothecaryspices.com. You get 15% off on incredible spice blends and the PTSA gets 15% of the proceeds!  


PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.   

Register for mock tests and test prep classes 

AT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks.  

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00)    

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.   

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies   
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes   
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities   
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction   
  • Detailed Results analysis   

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.   

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store   

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.  

Scholarships- WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].    

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]   


School News 

WPHS Leadership Training:   

  • The focus of this course is to complete and put forth projects throughout WP and the community, to improve and expand leadership skills on an individual level. Along with planning events such as Homecoming, students will participate in collaborative class discussions and group activities, team builders, and individual exercises and much more.  

Flyer: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipFlyer  

For rising Freshman: if you are interested in taking Leadership Training, there is a mandatory application that can be found at https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplicationRising9 that is due by Friday January 31st at 11:59 PM.   

For rising 10th-12th graders: if you are interested in taking Leadership, check out the all student Schoology for more information and a link to the application. The application can also be found here: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplication25 and is due Friday January 31st  at 11:59 PM.  

If you have questions, please contact Nicole Borghard at [email protected] or Joe Petrucelli at [email protected].  


Class of 2025 SENIORS & PARENTS:  


Please pay your Senior Dues via My School Bucks by December 20th.Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma, Programs, Eagle Bank, etc…). 

SENIOR PICTURES We want all seniors included in the Yearbook! If you have not already, please sign up for senior pictures using this link: https://seniors.legacystudios.com/west-potomac-hs-alexandria-va/ 


Only a few more weeks to donate to our $25 before ‘25 fundraising campaign! Please consider donating to help fund our Senior Bash in May. Thanks!   

LINK TO DONATE:https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/ 


We have a limited number of Senior Signs left. Perfect for your yard or hung on your kiddo’s wall. Don't delay, order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign today!  

Class of '25 Signs Purchase here: 


Thank you to Brielle Kirk for the Senior Sign design inspiration!! 


In January we will have a Senior Day Out at Dave & Busters in Springfield, Va. The cost is only $35 dollars for unlimited basic arcade games & food. Bus transportation to & from West Potomac is available that day. All students should come to school first & check in with their teachers. The rest of the day will be considered an excused absence.  

Jan. 24th, 2025 


Tickets can be purchased here: 


-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays.

JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/

JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxr . This is a private group for parents and students. 

Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected])
Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected]

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose 12-14-24

GovDelivery1 month 4 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents         

  • Important Dates        
  • Principal’s Message     
  • Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House  
  • FCPS News and Reminders 
  • PTSA        
  • School News  
  • Class of 2025 
  • School Fundraisers  

Important Dates          

December 17 - INOVA Blood Drive hosted by WP Academy Health & Medical Classes 

December 17 - PTSA Five Guys Restaurant Night 

January 7 - Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House  

January 31 - WPHS Leadership Training Application Due 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins  

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am 

Principal’s Message  

Friday Message to Community

Only 5 more school days until Winter Break.  I hope you all take time to rest and recharge!

Food For Neighbors!  Would you like to help students in your area receive the healthy food they need to succeed in school? Even in a county as wealthy as ours, one in four kids in our area are struggling with hunger. Through the Food For Neighbors’ Red Bag Program, you’ll make a difference in a local student’s life just by adding a few extra items to your shopping cart five times a year. And the best part - our students will immediately benefit from your generosity! To learn more about how you can help, visit the Food For Neighbors’ website at www.foodforneighbors.org/get-involved.

This week I was able to attend the choral concert, see a fabulous performance with our Wolverine band and honor Mr. Lawrence Cooper as the FCPS Cares of the Quarter for the entire FCPS system. Mr. Cooper had some special guests here to congratulate him.   


As we approach the final five school days before break, please remember to make sure your students are coming to school and attending class each day.  West Potomac is improving greatly in chronic absenteeism, and we would like to continue this wonderful trend. 

Finally I want to extend a huge thank you to our WPHS PTSA for putting together a wonderful Faculty Holiday Celebration this past Tuesday.  It was an incredible afternoon and would not have been possible without the many donations and support from the PTSA.  If you have not joined, its not too late!  Visit this link – it’s a great opportunity to get involved within our community.  Below in the PTSA section are a few pictures from the event.


Jessica Statz, Principal

Rising 9th Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House 

  • Please join us on Tuesday January 7 for Rising 9th Grade Family Night, Curriculum Night, and Electives Open House! With academic advising right around the corner this is a great opportunity to come and learn about the wide variety of courses that West Potomac offers. 
  • There have been some curriculum option changes at the 9th and 10th grade level so we look forward to sharing that information! You can preview the curriculum break out sessions here! 
  • We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday January 7 at 6pm!
  • If there is any inclement weather, the make up date would be January 9.  


Winter Special Education and 504 Newsletter

Student and Family Resources

  • Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

  • FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures.

FCPS News - In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Course Selection for Middle and High School Students
  • Join Our Teacher Team!
  • Comprehensive Boundary Review Updates

2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available 

  • The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form.  
  • Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA! 
  • Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website: https://collegeaccessfairfax.org/resources/ 
  • In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected]


Happy Holidays and Thank you!

  • From the halls of WPHS and the homes of all our PTSA Board members, we wanted to wish each and every family a beautiful holiday season filled with love, laughter and magical moments and a New Year filled with excitement of possibilities and new adventures.
  • Thank you for your support helping us support our WPHS Teachers and Staff.  Below are a few pics of the Dec 10th WPHS Holiday party.  Through the generosity of many families who donated gift cards, drinks, desserts, and financial donations we had over 27 baskets including Air Fryers, Keurig’s, Spa baskets, baking etc and many door prizes.  Can’t wait to see what we can do together in 2025! 

Five Guys Restaurant Night 

Great news!  We all know how busy December can be, so in an effort to make things easier, the PTSA has arranged once more for another Five Guys Restaurant Night.  So please take a night off of kitchen duty and head out with the family to Five Guys on December 17th for dinner or take out.  Quander and Hybla Valley locations are both participating between 4pm and 8pm. 

Minted Promo Code 

The WP PTSA has partnered with Minted and you can save 20%  by using the promo code FUNDRAISEPOTOMAC when you shop on Minted.com. Not only do you get 20% off but Minted will also share a part of their proceeds to support the WP PTSA. 

Apothecary Spices 

The PTSA has teamed up with Apothecary Spices. Save 15% on all Apothecary spices by using the promo code WOLVERINE15 when you shop on https://www.apothecaryspices.com. You get 15% off on incredible spice blends and the PTSA gets 15% of the proceeds! 

PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.  

Register for mock tests and test prep classes

AT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next Mock SAT or ACT is 12/7/24.  

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Only 2 more classes offered this year! Winter Class starts 12/7/24 and targets prep for the 3/8/25 official test.  

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.  

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies  
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes  
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities  
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction  
  • Detailed Results analysis  

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.  

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store  

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access. 

Scholarships- WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].   

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]  

School News

The Purple Star Club

  • The Purple Star Club supports activities for military-connected students and military-related activities in our local community.  The Purple Star Club will deliver gift bags to the gate guards at Fort Belvoir next week.  The Purple Star Club is accepting donations for this activity.  If you would like to donate items for the gift bags, please have your student drop items off to Keri O’Connor’s office in student services (304F) by Tuesday morning, December 17th. 
  • All items need to be store bought and factory sealed/individually wrapped.  Some examples of things to donate are: hand warmers, granola bars, hot chocolate packets, individual bags of chips, small bottles of water, juice, soda, etc., individually wrapped candy/chocolate, fruit snacks, small individually wrapped cookies, individually wrapped crackers, candy bars, instant oatmeal packets, individually wrapped tea bags, or individually wrapped rice krispie treats. There are approximately 45 gate guards at Fort Belvoir. 

HOSA Blood Drive 

  • West Potomac Academy HOSA (Health and Medical Classes) is hosting an INOVA Blood Drive on Tuesday, 12/17 from 8-12:30.  The blood donation mobile unit will be parked in kiss-and-ride parking lot. If you would like to donate, please complete this link to sign up for a timeslot.

WPHS Leadership Training:  

  • The focus of this course is to complete and put forth projects throughout WP and the community, to improve and expand leadership skills on an individual level. Along with planning events such as Homecoming, students will participate in collaborative class discussions and group activities, team builders, and individual exercises and much more. 

Flyer: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipFlyer 

For rising Freshman: if you are interested in taking Leadership Training, there is a mandatory application that can be found at https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplicationRising9 that is due by Friday January 31st at 11:59 PM.  

For rising 10th-12th graders: if you are interested in taking Leadership, check out the all student schoology for more information and a link to the application. The application can also be found here: https://tinyurl.com/WPLeadershipApplication25 and is due Friday January 31st  at 11:59 PM. 

If you have questions, please contact Nicole Borghard at [email protected] or Joe Petrucelli at [email protected]

Class of 2025 SENIORS & PARENTS:  


Volunteer for a fun day of chaperoning at Dave & Busters for Senior Day Out. Jan. 24th. See signup genius for more information https://signupgenius.com/ 

SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via My School Bucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma, Programs, Eagle Bank, etc…).  

SENIOR PICTURES We want all seniors included in the Yearbook! If you have not already, please sign up for senior pictures using this link: https://seniors.legacystudios.com/west-potomac-hs-alexandria-va/  

DIRECT DONATIONS - $25 BEFORE ‘25 We have kicked off our $25 before ‘25 fundraising campaign! Please consider donating to help fund our Senior Bash in May. Thanks!    

LINK TO DONATE:https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store 


We have a limited number of Senior Signs left. Perfect for your yard or hung on your kiddo’s wall. Don't delay, order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign today!   

Class of '25 Signs Purchase here: 


Thank you to Brielle Kirk for the Senior Sign design inspiration!!  


In January we will have a Senior Day Out at Dave & Busters in Springfield, Va. The cost is only $35 dollars for unlimited basic arcade games & food. Bus transportation to & from West Potomac is available that day. All students should come to school first & check in with their teachers. The rest of the day will be considered an excused absence.   

Jan. 24th, 2025  


Tickets can be purchased here.   


-WPHS Senior Website: https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025 - All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays.
-JOIN our Instagram page!  

“WestPo2025SGA”https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025”https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxr  This is a private group for parents and students.  

Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected]) 

Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected])  

School and Club Fundraisers 

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose - 12/6/24

GovDelivery2 months ago

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Table of Contents        

  • Important Dates       
  • Principal’s Message    
  • Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House 
  • FCPS News and Reminders
  • PTSA       
  • School News 
  • College & Career Center
  • Class of 2026 Announcement - Breakfast with Santa
  • Class of 2025 
  • School Fundraisers     

Important Dates         

December 7 - SAT Winter Prep Class Begins 

December 9 - Crew Boosters Restaurant Night Fundraiser – El Paso Mexican Restaurant: 6151 Richmond Highway (off Quander Road, next to Five Guys)

December 12 - SAT & ACT Mock Tests 

December 17 - PTSA Five Guys Restaurant Night

January 7 - Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins 

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am

Principal’s Message 

In the spirit of civic engagement and reflection, former West Potomac parent Scott Mitchell proudly sponsored the “Essence of Democracy” essay contest for West Potomac seniors. This inspiring competition invited students to delve into the core values and principles of democracy, encouraging them to explore how these ideals shape their lives and communities.

The response was extraordinary, with essays so compelling that the grading committee—Dan Baldwin, Steve Przywara, and Mary Ann Cohen—faced the tough task of selecting the top five. Mr. Mitchell generously offered $1,000 to the first-place winner, along with a $1,000 donation to a charity of their choice.

The winning essay, written by senior Brielle Kirk, captivated the judges with its creativity and thoughtfulness, drawing inspiration from Loung Ung’s powerful words: “When we vote, we take back our power to choose, to speak up, and to stand with those who support us and each other.” Brielle’s essay beautifully emphasized that “the essence of democracy is seeking the good of all people, by using our power to choose our future.”

Impressed by the exceptional quality of all the submissions, Mr. Mitchell extended additional cash prizes to the four talented runners-up: Long To, Jeremiah Harkless, Sabrina Fseisi, and Muhammad Hussain.

The winners were celebrated Tuesday, December 3, 2024, in a special ceremony with Mr. Mitchell and Principal Statz, a tribute to the power of democracy and the importance of participation. Congratulations to all who shared their voices and ideas in this meaningful celebration of democratic ideals!

As we move closer to winter break, please remind your students that we really need students in school every day.   We are moving closer to the end of the second quarter, and we want all students working hard and doing their best in their classes. 

Have a great weekend!

Jessica Statz, Principal

Congratulations Orchestra Students!

  • Congratulations to Lucy Ferguson, Clementine Callahan, and Reece Myers for their successful auditions and acceptance into District Ten Honors Orchestra. The concert for District Honors Orchestra will be held, January 11th, 3pm at Alexandria City High School.  Way to go Wolverines!

Rising 9th Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House

  • Please join us on Tuesday January 7 for Rising 9th Grade Family Night, Curriculum Night, and Electives Open House! With academic advising right around the corner this is a great opportunity to come and learn about the wide variety of courses that West Potomac offers.
  • There have been some curriculum option changes at the 9th and 10th grade level so we look forward to sharing that information! The curriculum break out sessions will be published in next week’s News You Choose to help you begin planning your evening!
  • We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday January 7 at 6pm!


Attend Boundary Review Community Meeting

2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available

  • The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form. 
  • Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account, if you have not already done so, and fill out the FAFSA!
  • The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.
  • Get Help Filling out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will be offering several programs on completing the FAFSA/VASA and finding and applying for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website: https://collegeaccessfairfax.org/resources/
  • In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email [email protected].

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students

  • Is your student experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, you may refer your child for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage for information on this service. 



Five Guys Restaurant Night

It’s the holidays – let somebody else cook dinner! PTSA Five Guys Restaurant Night on December 17th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Both the Quander and Hybla Valley locations are participating. Thank you for supporting the PTSA!

Minted Promo Code

The WP PTSA has partnered with Minted and you can save 20%  by using the promo code FUNDRAISEPOTOMAC when you shop on Minted.com. Not only do you get 20% off but Minted will also share a part of their proceeds to support the WP PTSA.

Apothecary Spices

The PTSA has teamed up with Apothecary Spices. Save 15% on all Apothecary spices by using the promo code WOLVERINE15 when you shop on https://www.apothecaryspices.com. You get 15% off on incredible spice blends and the PTSA gets 15% of the proceeds!

Bryant HS Blanket and Snuggly Pajamas:  

  • For the last 3 years, the WP PTSA has been a small part of helping our neighbor school Bryant, with this winter wish to help make the holidays a little brighter and cozier for some of their students.  They are asking for donations of new blankets and or snuggly pajamas (for teen boys and girls) by December 10th.  Donations can be dropped off at West Potomac’s front office or 8506 Culver Pl. Alexandria. Pipi Harrison, Director of Student Services, and her team at Bryant are extremely grateful for your consideration.  

PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score. 

Register for mock tests and test prep classes

AT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next mock SAT or ACT is 12/7/24. 

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Only 2 more classes offered this year! Winter Class starts 12/7/24 and targets prep for the 3/8/25 official test. 

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test. 

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies 
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes 
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities 
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction 
  • Detailed Results analysis 

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00. 

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store 

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.

Scholarships- WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].  

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] 

School News

Toys for Tots Fundraiser

  • The Travis Manion Club is a collection center for Toys for Tots.  Monday December 9th will be the final collection.  Please bring any unwrapped gift to the main office by close of business on Monday! Thanks for supporting our community!

HOSA Blood Drive

  • West Potomac Academy HOSA (Health and Medical Classes) is hosting an INOVA Blood Drive on Tuesday, 12/17 from 8-12:30.  The blood donation mobile unit will be parked in kiss-and-ride parking lot. If you would like to donate, please complete this link to sign up for a timeslot.


Financial Aid 101 Webinars for HS Students and Parents

High school students, parents, and guardians who are interested in learning about financial aid options for college are invited to attend the Financial Aid 101 webinar hosted by Level Up Virginia and Virginia Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (VASFAA).  Topics covered include Federal Financial Aid, State Financial Aid, Application Tips, and Q & A. 

Register today to attend the free session on December 12, 2024, from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Please see the Financial Aid 101 flyer for more information. 

 Joint United States Military Academy and United States Naval Academy Admissions Event

This joint event is a unique opportunity to delve into the world of both academies. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about what the academies offer, gain firsthand insights in the daily life of a Cadet or Midshipman, and the application process.  The event will be held on December 11, 2024 from 6 pm -8 pm at the US Navy Memorial Plaza, 701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 20004.  RSVP at Joint USMA/USNA Admissions Event .  Space is limited so RSVP as soon as possible to secure your spot. 

NOVA Virtual Sessions

Join a Virtual Discover NOVA webinar to explore program options, gain an understanding of our student support resources, and learn how to enroll in classes.  All sessions begin at 6:30pm and run for approximately one hour. Concurrent Spanish-speaking sessions will be available on February 20th and April 22nd.  See the NOVA Virtual Sessions Flyer for all dates and to register.

2025 Gap Year Fair for Students and their Families

FCPS’ School Counseling Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at George C. Marshall High School from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.  This event is for high school students and parents who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities.  The evening will begin with a presentation in the auditorium from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m.  Immediately following, the program fair will be held in the cafeteria from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m., with representatives from over 30 programs offering gap year opportunities.  Students and their families are encouraged to meet the representatives and learn about the variety of experiences available.  Students are encouraged to pre-register for this event.  For more information, visit: USA Gap Year Fairs or FCPS Gap Year Fair

Class of 2026 Announcement


Please help the class of 2026 put on a fantastic community fundraiser. Breakfast with Santa! Please see the sign- up link attached and volunteer some goods, or your time! Thank You!

Mrs. Day Javkhlan & Ms. Lintot

Class of 2026 Sponsors





Class of 2025 SENIORS & PARENTS: 


Volunteer for a fun day of chaperoning at Dave & Busters for Senior Day Out. Jan. 24th. See signup genius for more information https://signupgenius.com/

SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via My School Bucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma, Programs, Eagle Bank, etc…). 

SENIOR PICTURES We want all seniors included in the Yearbook! If you have not already, please sign up for senior pictures using this link: https://seniors.legacystudios.com/west-potomac-hs-alexandria-va/ 

DIRECT DONATIONS - $25 BEFORE ‘25 We have kicked off our $25 before ‘25 fundraising campaign! Please consider donating to help fund our Senior Bash in May. Thanks!   

LINK TO DONATE:https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store


We have a limited number of Senior Signs left. Perfect for your yard or hung on your kiddo’s wall. Don't delay, order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign today!  

Class of '25 Signs Purchase here:


Thank you to Brielle Kirk for the Senior Sign design inspiration!! 


In January we will have a Senior Day Out at Dave & Busters in Springfield, Va. The cost is only $35 dollars for unlimited basic arcade games & food. Bus transportation to & from West Potomac is available that day. All students should come to school first & check in with their teachers. The rest of the day will be considered an excused absence.  

Jan. 24th, 2025 


Tickets can be purchased here.  


-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays.
-JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxrThis is a private group for parents and students. 

Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected])
Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected]

School and Club Fundraisers

Restaurant Night at El Paso Mexican Restaurant on Monday, 9th December, all day! Support the Crew team by grabbing tacos, fajitas, quesadillas or other freshly made entree!

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS - News You Choose 11/26/24

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

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Important Dates

December 3 - Letter to Santa Deadline, National Arts Honor Society 

December 7 - SAT Winter Prep Class Begins 

December 12 - SAT & ACT Mock Tests 

January 7 - Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins 

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am

Principal’s Message 

Wolverine Community,

From our school family to yours, have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! Enjoy quality time with loved ones, delicious food, and lots of gratitude. We'll see you back on Monday December 1.  I plan to take time away from my computer and unplug over the next few days.  I hope you all are able to do the same. 


Jessica Statz, Principal

West Potomac Fall 2024 Awards Celebration

  • This morning we celebrated over 500 Wolverines during Advisory. Below are a few photos from this morning.
  • You can view all our honorees and their achievements via the Fall Awards Program.  Please visit our website to review photos from today's celebration!
  • Congratulations to all our Wolverines!!

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS - News You Choose 11/22/24

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

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Table of Contents        

  • Important Dates       
  • Principal’s Message    
  • Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House 
  • PTSA       
  • School News 
  • Class of 2025 
  • School Fundraisers     

Important Dates         

November 22 - West Po Swap-n-Shop to support PTSA, 6 - 10:00 pm 

November 29 - WABC Christmas Tree Sale Begins 

November 29 - Crew Wreath In-person Sale Begins     

December 3 - Letter to Santa Deadline, National Arts Honor Society 

December 7 - SAT Winter Prep Class Begins 

December 12 - SAT & ACT Mock Tests 

January 7 - Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House 

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins 

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am

Principal’s Message 

Wolverine Community,

This past Saturday, I traveled to the Oatlands to watch to amazing cross-country runners participate in the Virginia State Championships. Megan O’Dea and Jakin Waldock made our Wolverine Community proud running this difficult course. They had a nice fan base that made the drive as well.

After listening to feedback from students and teachers, I was able to book a second late bus beginning after Winter Break. Starting on January 13, 2025, we will have two late bus days. Monday and Thursday we will offer late busses for students to work with teachers, complete make-up work, take retests and visit clubs and organizations.

Next week is a short week due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. We will only be in school on Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure to send your students. We will still be learning, and absenteeism is VERY important. If you need to pick them up early, please follow the protocols on our website.

As we transition into the fall and winter seasons, it's important to remind our students, staff, and families about the importance of practicing good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. These simple practices can significantly reduce the spread of germs, particularly during the upcoming holiday season when gatherings and travel increase.

Key Reminders: · Wash Hands Frequently: Encourage students to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • Use Hand Sanitizer: When soap and water are not readily available, provide access to alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content.
  • Cover Coughs and Sneezes: Remind students to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues properly in a wastebasket and wash their hands.
  • Avoid Touching Face: Discourage students from touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Please see the attached videos below:

The Alexandria Community Nutcracker will be at West Potomac High School Auditorium on Thursday, December 5, 2024 - Saturday, December 7, 2024. Join them for a magical evening filled with community dancers ages 3-adult. They will take you on the journey of Clara and her dream that includes ballet, tap, jazz, gymnastics, Irish dance, and Hip Hop. This is a full-length performance of The Nutcracker. And you will see some familiar student and faculty members in the cast! Tickets can be purchased here: https://www.ticketsource.us/artspireva/e-bvropl

I hope you all have a great weekend.


Jessica Statz


November is National Family Engagement Month

  • We are honored to be your Family Engagement Partners in your Student’s academic success!
  • November is National Family Engagement Month! This month reminds us that families are children's first and most important teachers, advocates, and nurturers. Over 35 years of research shows that the most effective way to increase student achievement is for families to be actively involved in their children's education. Family engagement is a shared responsibility between home, school, and the community. 
  • Visit us at WPHS or reach out to us at
    • 703-718-2614 (English) 
    • 703-718-2620 (Spanish)
    • 703-718-2588 (Spanish)

WPHS Family Center

Mrs. Jordan, Ms. Colocho, Ms. Rapavi


*CHANGE OF DATE!!Please Join Us for the 4th Annual Swap-N-Shop TONIGHT - FRIDAY, November 22nd 

  • Due to the change in the WP Football Regional play-off game, event shifted from Thursday 21 to Friday 22nd to allow our Wolverine Families the opportunity to support both. 
  • Join us for a night of merry, good cheer, live music, artisans, vendors, all while you Swap-n-Shop at the lovely home of Amy and Adam Fazackerley, 8418 Stable Drive in Alexandria, VA 22308.
  • Online tickets purchase will end at 3:00 PM and can be purchased at  https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store - When you sign up online you will be automatically entered in our gift baskets raffle.
  • Tickets can also be purchased at the door tonight. 

WPHS Teacher/Staff Party 

  • In celebration of the upcoming holiday season, the PTSA Board would like to ask for your support for this year's WPHS Teacher/Staff Holiday Party. Thank you to the families who have already signed up to donate gift cards/financial donation and beverages. We just added desserts. We are so thankful for your help making this event possible. There are some spots still open for beverages and we just added desserts. Thank you for your consideration. 
  • To donate and volunteer, please check out our sign up here 
  • To make a donation please scan QR code or visit this link.

Thank you,  

Your WPHS PTSA Board 

WPHS Clinic Hygiene Supply Drive 

  • The PTSA in conjunction with some WP students would like to share some donation needs that we would like to bring to your attention and if you are able to do so, we would love your support!
  • Hygiene Kits- Our hope is to create 40- 50 hygiene-type bags for our WP students in need.  Imagine not having consistent access to showers, deodorant, and other hygiene kits.  For some of our WP students this is their reality and we would welcome your help to provide the clinic/school with hygiene kits that can be given when needed. Having these kits available would be a small but possibly pivotal support that could help with the well-being, social inclusion and confidence in our students.  Needs remaining includes washcloths (Costco sells bundles), deodorant (full size, if possible), athletic crew size socks, 3-6 oz shampoos (Amazon limited in selection), knit gloves (machine washable), chapstick and the nurse mentioned the students especially like the bath and body work body sprays, and around this time there are holiday sales.  Donations can be dropped off at WP Front Office - there will be a donation box labeled or 8506 Culver, PL. Alexandria.    Thank You! 

Bryant HS Blanket and Snuggly Pajamas:

  • For the last 3 years, the WP PTSA has been a small part of helping our neighbor school Bryant, with this winter wish to help make the holidays a little brighter and cozier for some of their students.  They are asking for donations of new blankets and or snuggly pajamas (for teen boys and girls) by December 10th.  Donations can be dropped off at West Potomac’s front office or 8506 Culver Pl. Alexandria. Pipi Harrison, Director of Student Services, and her team at Bryant are extremely grateful for your consideration.  

PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score. 


SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next mock SAT or ACT is 12/7/24. 

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Only 2 more classes offered this year! Winter Class starts 12/7/24 and targets prep for the 3/8/25 official test. 

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test. 

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies 
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes 
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities 
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction 
  • Detailed Results analysis 

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00. 

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s Givebacks.com/store 

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access. 

Scholarships - WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected].  

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] 

School News 


  • In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
    • Preparing for Winter Weather
    • SEL Screener Results
    • Varsity Girls Wrestling Is New Winter Sport

World Language Academies Info 

The 2025 Academies will be held in-person on the following dates: 

  • French, German, and Spanish Academies: June 21– July 12, 2025 at Washington and Lee University 
  • Japanese and Latin Academies: June 22 – July 13, 2025 at Randolph Macon College 

Requirements for nomination: 

  • For Full Immersion (Spanish, French and German Academies) you need 3+ years of the target language, not a native/near-native speaker, good proficiency, use of target language for all social and academic interactions. 
  • For Partial Immersion (Latin and Japanese Academies) you need 2+ years of ANY world language, not a fluent or proficient speaker of Japanese. 
  • For all academies you must have an interest and emotional maturity, stability, stamina, and self-discipline.  You must be an 11th grader or mature 10th grader.  Be nominated by school & recommended by 2 teachers (current world language teacher and a coach/non-world language teacher/counselor.  

If you are interested in applying for the World Language please complete this WL INTEREST FORM.  Do not start the VDOE Application until you have been formally accepted to be nominated by West Potomac High School.  If you have any questions, please email Yamalie Rodriguez at [email protected]   

Class of 2025 SENIORS & PARENTS: 

SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via My School Bucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma, Programs, Eagle Bank, etc…). 

SENIOR PICTURES We want all seniors included in the Yearbook! If you have not already, please sign up for senior pictures using this link: https://seniors.legacystudios.com/west-potomac-hs-alexandria-va/ 

DIRECT DONATIONS - $25 BEFORE ‘25 We have kicked off our $25 before ‘25 fundraising campaign! Please consider donating to help fund our Senior Bash in May. Thanks!   

LINK TO DONATE:https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/ 


We have a limited number of Senior Signs left. Perfect for your yard or hung on your kiddo’s wall. Don't delay, order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign today!  

Class of '25 Signs Purchase here: 


Thank you to Brielle Kirk for the Senior Sign design inspiration!! 


In January we will have a Senior Day Out at Dave & Busters in Springfield, Va. The cost is only $35 dollars for unlimited basic arcade games & food. Bus transportation to & from West Potomac is available that day. All students should come to school first & check in with their teachers. The rest of the day will be considered an excused absence.  

Jan. 24th, 2025 


Tickets can be purchased here.  


-WPHS Senior Website:https://westpotomachs.fcps.edu/student-life-activities/seniors-class-2025-All of our messaging will be in News You Choose which comes out on Fridays.
-JOIN our Instagram page! “WestPo2025SGA” https://www.instagram.com/westpo2025sga/-JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025” https://www.facebook.com/groups/1097261814782770/?mibextid=uJjRxrThis is a private group for parents and students. 

Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected])
Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected]

School and Club Fundraisers

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS - News You Choose 11/16/24

GovDelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents       

  • Important Dates      
  • Principal’s Message   
  • Report Card Reminder
  • Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House
  • PTSA      
  • School News
  • Class of 2025
  • School Fundraisers      

Important Dates        

November 19 - PTSA Restaurant Night - Five Guys - Quander Rd & Hybla Valley, 4-8:00 pm

November 20 - Crew Boosters Restaurant Night Fundraiser – Five Guys (Quander Road & Hybla Valley Locations), 4-8pm

November 21 - West Po Swap-n-Shop to support PTSA, 6 - 10:00 pm

November 22 - A/B Honor Roll Celebration (volunteers needed), 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

November 29 - WABC Christmas Tree Sale Begins

November 29 - Crew Wreath In-person Sale Begins    

December 3 - Letter to Santa Deadline, National Arts Honor Society

December 7 -  SAT Winter Prep Class Begins

December 12 - SAT & ACT Mock Tests

January 7 - Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House

March 8 - SAT Spring Prep Class Begins

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am 

Principal’s Message


I hope all our veterans in our school community had a lovely Monday.  I am truly humbled by the service of many of our folks in this community.  We salute you! Happy Veteran’s Day!

This past weekend WPHS hosted the Virginia High School League, Ken Tilley Leadership conference.  Our Student Government and students in leadership positions hosted school from all over Virginia.  It was a huge success, and we are proud of the faculty members and students involved in the planning and execution of the LARGE event!  I want to give a shout out to Nicole Borghard, Joe Petrucelli, Dana Hubbard and Leadership parent and regular substitute teacher, Ms. Jessica Niebuhr for the event.  Lastly, THANK YOU to Mr. Tico Barclay.  He was here the entire time and a huge help to the faculty committee and students before, during and after the conference. 

Tuesday night our PTSA hosted a general membership meeting with a focus on Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment and Academy classes that we offer.  We hope everyone who attended left feeling more informed on options for all our students. 

I was also able to make it into classes this week which is one of my favorite parts of my job.  Below are 2 pictures from some of my visits this week.  Thank you, Ms. Chill and Ms. Zadina. 

Lastly, congratulations to the Beyond the Page Theatre Company for closing a successful, fully sold-out closing night of “Puffs”! This fall production captured audiences with its humor, heart, and outstanding performances, showcasing the hard work and talent of our Theatre Arts and Technical Theatre students. With Puffs’ wrapping this past weekend, we're now excitedly preparing for our upcoming winter show, “Twelfth Night - The Musical.” This modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic comedy promises unforgettable moments, set to music, and filled with laughter, love, and surprises. Stay tuned for ticket information—this is a production you won’t want to miss!

For more information on workshops, performances, and tickets, visit www.westpotomactheatre.org.

Enjoy the weekend, Wolverines! 

Jessica Statz


1st Quarter Report Card Reminder

  • Grade Book in ParentVue/StudentVue returned on November 12. 1st Quarter Report cards have all been uploaded to “Documents” in ParentVue.  We are mailing report cards home only to families that are not on ParentVue.  Those on ParentVue, please click on “documents” on the left hand side to open and review your child’s first quarter report card.  If you have any difficulties with your login please use the resources (forget password etc.) on the ParentVue login screen
  • Five journalism students (2 juniors, 2 sophomores, 1 freshman) attended the Journalism Education Association Fall Convention along with 3,600 students from all 50 states and 8 countries from November 9-11 in Philadelphia.
  • They were accompanied by Ms. Kerry Cooper, English teacher and journalism advisor. Our students networked with professionals and other student journalists from across the nation. One main strand of the convention centered on diversity, equity and inclusion in journalism. Ms. Cooper presented a well-attended session in that area called Developing a Diverse Newsroom and Readership where she discussed adding additional voices and readers to the student news operation at schools. She also served as a judge for several of the journalism contests open to students.


A/B Honor Celebration – November 22 – Volunteers Needed!

November 22 - All A/AB Honor Roll Recognition - This very popular event celebrates students who have earned all A's or A/B’s for the 1st QTR grading period. It occurs during all four lunch periods and is hosted by the PTSA.  Chips/salsa are served for students who qualify! Students’ check-in during their lunch period for a ticket and can go through the line.   Please consider volunteering as this event can only be done with your support. If you can only volunteer for a portion of the time, please still come and just note your time availability in the sign-up.  It’s a great way to meet and chat with other Wolverine parents and so much fun to see all the students who have worked so hard to achieve this recognition.  

4th Annual WPHS PTSA Swap-n-Shop Event- Thursday, Nov. 21st, 6:00 -10:00 PM

Please Join Us for the 4th Annual Swap-N-Shop this Thursday, November 21st!

  • Join us for a night of merriment, good cheer, live music, artisans vendors, all while you Swap-n-Shop at the lovely home of Amy and Adam Fazackerley,  8418 Stable Drive in Alexandria, VA 22308.  
  • If you've never been to a PTSA Swap-n-Shop, this is a definite must!  Start off the holiday season right by connecting with friends and fellow WPHS parents.  There will be raffle drawings for a gift basket, tasty appetizers, drinks, live music, and, of course, unique clothing and accessories that you are welcome to take home with you, all in the name of supporting WPHS PTSA.   Entry Fee / Suggested Donation: $40 (Adults only) . 
  • Tickets can be purchased here:  https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store - When you sign up online you will be automatically entered in our gift baskets raffle.


What can I do to help:  Drop off any new or like-new accessories (shoes, jewelry, handbags, scarves, reading glasses, etc.) and women's clothing (any season) on the front porch of 8418 Stable Drive Alexandria, VA  22308 , now up to November 20th.  

To help reduce the costs of this event and allow more proceeds to go to the PTSA funds, we would be grateful for any drink or appetizer donations, which can be signed up via Signup Genius

Five Guys PTSA Restaurant Night – Tuesday, November 19

It’s Five Guys time! Please help support the PTSA!

WPHS Clinic Hygiene Supply Drive and Bryant HS Blanket Drive

The PTSA in conjunction with some WP students would like to share some donation needs that we would like to like to bring to your attention and if you are able to do so, we would love your support!

Hygiene Kits - Our hope is to create 50 hygiene-themed bags for our WP students in need.  Imagine not having consistent access to showers, deodorant, and other hygiene kits.  For some of our WP students this is their reality and we would welcome your help to provide the clinic/school  with hygiene kits that can be given when needed. Having these kits available would be a small but possibly pivotal support that could help with the well being, social inclusion and confidence in our students.  Needs includes toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, shampoo, chapstick, washcloths and more.  The Amazon list can be used to order the items or as an idea what is needed.  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1RWTRJ3Q4W119?ref_=wl_share      Donations can be dropped off at WP Front Office - there will be a donation box labeled or 8506 Culver, PL. Alexandria.    Thank You! 

Bryant HS Blanket and Snuggly Pajamas:  For the last 3 years, the WP PTSA has been a small part of helping our neighbor school Bryant, with this winter wish to help make the holidays a little brighter and cozier for some of their students.  They are asking for donations of new blankets and or snuggly pajamas (for teen boys and girls) by December 10th.  Donations can be dropped off at West Potomac’s front office or 8506 Culver Pl. Alexandria. Pipi Harrison, Director of Student Services, and her team at Bryant are extremely grateful for your consideration. 

PTSA’s Test Prep Program can help you achieve your highest SAT or ACT score.


SAT & ACT MOCK TESTS ($23.00) Offered in-person on the West Po campus. Laptop required for SAT mocks. Next mock SAT or ACT is 12/7/24.

SAT GROUP CLASSES ($475.00) – Only 2 more classes offered this year! Winter Class starts 12/7/24 and targets prep for the 3/8/25 official test.

Spring Class starts 3/8/25 and targets prep for the 6/7/25 official SAT test.

  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes
  • 3 scheduled Mock Test opportunities
  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction
  • Detailed Results analysis

ACT CLASSES – Contact Marilyn Aboff, [email protected] for options. Offered online with live tutor as space is available. $475.00.

Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s Givebacks.com/store

This comprehensive online course gives you everything you need to raise your SAT or ACT score, stay motivated, and have fun doing it – all from the comfort of home and on your own schedule. One-year license, unlimited access.

Scholarships - WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B. Young, [email protected]

PTSA Contact – Marilyn Aboff, [email protected]

School News

West Potomac High School's Beyond the Page Theatre Company Celebrates a Sold-Out Closing Night of Puffs

Congratulations to the Beyond the Page Theatre Company for closing a successful, fully sold-out closing night of “Puffs”! This fall production captured audiences with its humor, heart, and outstanding performances, showcasing the hard work and talent of our Theatre Arts and Technical Theatre students. With Puffs’ wrapping this past weekend, we're now excitedly preparing for our upcoming winter show, “Twelfth Night - The Musical.” This modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic comedy promises unforgettable moments, set to music, and filled with laughter, love, and surprises. Stay tuned for ticket information—this is a production you won’t want to miss!

For more information on workshops, performances, and tickets, visit www.westpotomactheatre.org.

World Language Academies Info

The 2025 Academies will be held in-person on the following dates:

  • French, German, and Spanish Academies: June 21– July 12, 2025 at Washington and Lee University
  • Japanese and Latin Academies: June 22 – July 13, 2025 at Randolph Macon College

Requirements for nomination:

  • For Full Immersion (Spanish, French and German Academies) you need 3+ years of the target language, not a native/near-native speaker, good proficiency, use of target language for all social and academic interactions.
  • For Partial Immersion (Latin and Japanese Academies) you need 2+ years of ANY world language, not a fluent or proficient speaker of Japanese.
  • For all academies you must have an interest and emotional maturity, stability, stamina, and self-discipline.  You must be an 11th grader or mature 10th grader.  Be nominated by school & recommended by 2 teachers (current world language teacher and a coach/non-world language teacher/counselor. 

If you are interested in applying for the World Language please complete this WL INTEREST FORM.  Do not start the VDOE Application until you have been formally accepted to be nominated by West Potomac High School.  If you have any questions, please email Yamalie Rodriguez at [email protected]  


  • The class is taking a panoramic photo on Monday the 18th. If your child has not filled out the form online with their T-Shirt/Cap/Gown sizes by then they won’t have a class shirt for the photo. https://forms.gle/pQJgM58ZB6G1Ryeq5 Student must be logged in to complete.
  • We only have a limited number of Senior Signs left. Don’t forget to order yours! https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1113130
  • Senior Dues are $85 & can be paid via MySchoolBucks. Please complete by Dec. 20th
  • In January we will have a Senior Day Out at Dave & Busters in Springfield, Va. The cost is only $35 dollars for unlimited basic arcade games & food. Bus transportation to & from West Potomac is available that day. All students should come to school first & check in with their teachers. The rest of the day will be considered an excused absence. 

Jan. 24th, 2025


Tickets can be purchased here. 


School and Club Fundraisers 

WPHS Crew Team Restaurant Night at Five Guys on Tuesday, 20 November, 4-8 pm. Support the Crew team by grabbing a burger, dog, milkshake, or other freshly made entree at the Quander Road (6210 Quander Road) or Hybla Valley (7622 Richmond Highway) location.

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose 11/8/24

GovDelivery3 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents       

  • Important Dates      
  • Principal’s Message   
  • PTSA      
  • School News
  • College & Career Center
  • Class of 2025
  • School Fundraisers      

Important Dates        

November 9 - PUFFS - 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM & Puppet-Making Workshop, 3:00 - 4:00 pm 

November 10 - Fun Fly Sunday - 8:00 am - 2:00 pm, WPHS Main Gym, Competitive Engineering Team Fundraiser

November 11 - Veterans Day - No School 

November 12 - PTSA Meeting 6:30 pm, WPHS Library, Guest Speakers:  West Potomac Academy Admin and Students.

November 15 - Orchestra Booster Restaurant Night Fundraiser - Five Guys (Quander Road & Hybla Valley Locations), 4-8pm

November 20 - Order Deadline, WPHS Spirit Wear Store - WPHS Band Boosters

November 21 - West Po Swap-n-Shop to support PTSA, 6:00 - 10:00 pm

November 22 - A/B Honor Roll Celebration (volunteers needed), 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

November 29 - WABC Christmas Tree Sale Begins

November 29 - Crew Wreath In-person Sale Begins    

December 3 - Letter to Santa Deadline, National Arts Honor Society

January 7 – Rising 9th Grade Family Night / Curriculum Night / Electives Open House

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am 

Principal’s Message

Wolverine Community,

Thank you all for another nice week with your Wolverines. 

For the first time in school history, West Potomac’ Marching Band earned a spot as a finalist in the Virginia Marching Band Competition (VMBC) championship! This event gathers many of the most competitive bands across Virginia.  On Saturday, November 2 there were 50 bands throughout the state competing. Marching Bands that place high enough are awarded a second performance opportunity under the lights. Our West Potomac Marching Band students delivered two incredible performances and were elated to place among the best bands in Virginia!  We are very proud of their hard work and dedication. 

On October 24th the GEMS Club hosted MPR, an engineering firm that is partnered with the Technology and Engineering Program here at West Potomac.  Twenty-Five students were present for the presentation on nuclear science and real-world projects that MPR engineers are currently working on. The session was followed up with a lengthy Q&A dealing with everything from their projects, college experience and precollege prep.

Below is a picture of the engineers along with Jillian Orenstein, Paige Hanig (President and VP of GEMS respectively) and two other GEMS members who helped wrap up the Q&A session.

This Sunday, November 10th is West Potomac High School’s Fun Fly.

  • 8 am to 2 pm 
  • West Potomac High School -- Main Gym  6500 Quander Road  Alexandria, Virginia 22307
  • $5 to fly for the day, spectators free, but donations appreciated. Concessions will be available.
  • Kids glider table will be set up.

Proceeds from this event fund WP competitive engineering team.  They will have models of every kind to display for the community, to show the scope of the hobby.

Our social worker is asking for anyone willing to help Operation Warm.  WPHS relies on Operation Warm for winter coats and school supplies for many of our students.  If you are able to help, please click here

Lastly, this morning the WPHS Color Guard, WPHS Chorus and Travis Manion Club members recognized faculty and staff that are military veterans in honor of Veterans Day.  

Thank you to all our veterans in the community.  We truly appreciate your service to our community and to our country!


Jessica Statz, Principal

PTSA (Parent, Teacher, Student Association)  

PTSA Meeting is this Tuesday, November 12, 6:30 PM – WPHS Library

Schedule that phone reminder now! - Tuesday, Nov 12 is a night of learning about the WPHS Academy, the Advanced Placement® (AP) and DUAL Enrollment (DE) Programs. Both AP and DE  programs offer students a chance to experience college-level coursework while still in high school but what are the differences?  Did you know that the WP Academy offers opportunities for students to explore careers in nursing, dental, welding, criminology, TV/media production and music/computer technology courses, and that the courses are taught by instructors with experience in the field.  Our Guest Speakers will be Kevin McMahon, Director, WPHS Student Services, Jamie Carfang, Administrator, WPHS Academy and hear and learn first hand from some of our amazing WP Academy students.  And one more fun thing ….. Attendees will have a chance to win a gift card donated by the Burson Family.  


4th Annual WPHS PTSA Swap-n-Shop Event- Thursday, Nov. 21st, 6:00 -10:00 PM

Looking for a little extra closet space and a place to donate your fabulous but rarely worn clothes and accessories, it’s Swap n Shop Time!  Items can be dropped off now to 8418 Stable Dr, Alexandria. 

Please purchase your tickets today at https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store.   To sign-up to bring an appetizer via Signup Genius here.

Thank you for your support of the WPHS PTSA and a HUGE thanks to the Fazackerly’s for hosting this great event!

WPHS Teacher/Staff Holiday Party 

WPHS Teacher/Staff Winter Winterland. Thank you to the families who have donated and/or signed up to help. We appreciate your help to pull off this Teacher/Staff Event. We still need monetary support, drink donations and/or gift cards. Our Teachers/Staff work so hard please consider supporting so we can create a festive December 10th memory, bringing WP staff together, spoiling them a little and reminding them that their WP families appreciate them. Thank you! To donate and volunteer, please check out our sign up here

To make a donation please scan QR code or  https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store 

 Apothecary Spices

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and fortunately, Apothecary Spices has you covered.  The PTSA has teamed up with them this year to offer tasty spice blends that will enhance your Thanksgiving meal or for any meal for that matter!  Save 15% on all Apothecary spices by using the promo code  WOLVERINE15  when you shop on https://www.apothecaryspices.com     You get 15% off on incredible spice blends and the PTSA gets 15% of the proceeds!  What's not to like?

School News

HS Fun Fly Sunday – proceeds fund WP’s Competitive Engineering Team

Sunday, November 10, 2024 - 8 am to 2 pm  West Potomac High School - Main Gym  $5 to fly for the day, spectators free, donations appreciated

Concessions available & kids glider table

We like to have models of any kind to display for the community, to show the scope of the hobby. If you wish to sell items there is a 15% fee that goes to the school.

A/B Honor Celebration – November 22 – Volunteers Needed!

Come help us celebrate the hard work of our First Quarter A & A/B Honor Roll students!  On Friday, November 22nd our honor roll students will be recognized with a Chips & Toppings Bar during all four lunches. We are looking for volunteers to help with eligibility verification and serving from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm.  Please see the Sign Up Genius link below for more information and sign up if you are able.  Thank you!

West Potomac PTSA: A/B Honor Roll Celebration

Multilingual Learners’ Day of Service: Our Voices, Our Future:

  • FCPS is thrilled to welcome back Dr. José Luis Zelaya—keynote speaker from this summer’s Multilingual Learners’ Summit—who will inspire secondary students to embrace the strengths of multilingualism. Dr. Zelaya will lead students through hands-on activities to build leadership skills and set a path for future success. This impactful service-learning experience will take place on Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. at Edison High School.

Event Highlights:

  • Service-learning credit awarded to all attending students
  • Interactive student activities focused on leadership and community impact
  • Resources for Families

Register on the FCPS event page

College & Career Center

 Wolverines - Please see information on several upcoming events!

Happening This Weekend - ASBC 22nd Annual HBCU Festival:

  • The largest HBCU Festival returns!  The ASBC 22nd Annual Historically Black College & University (HBCU) Festival is being held November 8-9, 2024. This event is open to all high school students and will be held at The St. James Sports Complex in Springfield, VA.  The festival is dedicated to connecting high school students and their families to HBCUs and offers onsite admissions decisions, scholarship opportunities, and seminars. Students and their families are encouraged to register at https://tinyurl.com/ASBC-22ndHBCU-Festival

Moving on to Life in the Community Resource Fair:

  • Each fall, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB), and the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) sponsor Moving on to Life in the Community: A Resource Fair. This event is designed for students with disabilities and their families to speak to adult agency and vendor representatives to gather information about available services for adults in need of ongoing support once they transition from FCPS. Agency representatives will be available to share information on adult service providers, employment and training programs, Medicaid, Social Security, residential options, and The Arc of Northern Virginia.
  •  When:Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
  • Where: Fairfax High School Cafeteria, 3501 Lion Run, Fairfax, VA 22030
  • What:  Exhibitor Fair

Learn about: supported employment options, day support programs, recreation/leisure activities, residential living options, travel training supports, advocacy, funding, and more!

Register online: https://tinyurl.com/ycx4bwec  



School and Club Fundraisers 

 WPHS Orchestra Restaurant Night at Five Guys on Tuesday, 15 November, 4-8 pm. Support the orchestra program by grabbing a burger, dog, milkshake, or other freshly made entree at the Quander Road (6210 Quander Road) or Hybla Valley (7622 Richmond Highway) location.

The West Potomac Spirit Wear Store has reopened! Get your warm WestPo Band flannel pants, fuzzy blanket, beanie hat, half zip, or whatever else makes you happy, warm and a stylish Band Ambassador! Order today at https://westpobandstore2024.itemorder.com/ 

Orders will be distributed at the December 12 Winter Band Concert.

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS - News You Choose 10/31/24

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents       

  • Important Dates      
  • Principal Message   
  • PTSA      
  • School News
  • College & Career Center
  • Class of 2025
  • School Fundraisers      

Important Dates        

October 31 - November 9 - PUFFS – Fall Play (dates and times listed below) 

November 1 – Diwali Holiday – No School 

November 2 - PUFFS Wand Making Workshop, 3:00 - 4:00 pm 

November 4 - Student Holiday (School Planning Day for Staff)      

November 5 – Student Holiday (Teacher Workday) 

November 5 - Drawing for a Family Photo Session by Renee C. Gage    

November 9 - PUFFS - Puppet-Making Workshop, 3:00-4:00 pm 

November 11 - Veterans Day – No School 

November 12 - PTSA Meeting 6:30 pm Library, Guest Speakers:  West Potomac Academy Admin and Students.

November 21 - West Po Swap-n-Shop to support PTSA

November 29 – WABC Christmas Tree Sale begins (see below for dates and times)

November 29 - Crew Wreath In-person Sale Begins    

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am 

Principals Message

Dear Wolverine Community,

First, I hope everyone has a nice long weekend as students are out of school Friday, Monday and Tuesday.  I hope they use this time to rest and recharge.  I want to share a link to a Washington Post article that features one of our own amazing students here at West Potomac High School.  The article is called How America’s Youngest Voters Feel About Casting Their First Ballots”.  West Potomac’s own Abbie Litonjua was interviewed and featured.  Please see the link below to read the article. 


This week we hosted our National Honor Society Induction.  We were able to award many invitations to this prestigious society.  Getting into the National Honor Society is not an easy task.  It takes hard work and dedication in academics and service.  I am very proud of all these amazing young scholars.  Thank you to our faculty sponsors, Ms. Landon and Ms. Rice, and to our NHS administrator, Ms. Corbin for conducting a fabulous ceremony.  Please see the collage of photos below from the induction ceremony.

This week was also filled with some amazing sporting contests.  Please be on the lookout for our Student Activities letter highlighting regular and post season results. 

Have a great long weekend!

Jessica Statz, Principal

Expecting to miss some days of school? Return of WRAP!  

  • WRAP (West Potomac Recovering Attendance Program) is a program designed to help gain time back if your student has been out of school to avoid being Chronically Absent.  There will be 12 Friday sessions across the year and each one gains back a full attendance day.  If your student will be out for an extended period of time this year (ex. planned surgery), I encourage you to send your student to start making up the days early in the year.  WRAP is designed to be a library-like atmosphere where it isn’t silent, but generally quiet study hall.  Pizza is served at the end and some small raffles are also given out.  Buses are available for transportation.  Finally, the WRAP dates are all scheduled around sporting events, so we encourage the students to go to the event when it’s over, as well.  


  • Dec 13  
  • Jan 24, 31  
  • Feb 7  
  • Mar 7  
  • April 4, 25  
  • May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 

Congratulations to the newest members of the West Potomac High School National Honor Society. The ceremony was held on Monday evening and we welcome approximately 200 new members.

PTSA (Parent, Teacher, Student Association)  

Our next PTSA Meeting is Tuesday, November 12, 6:30 PM – WPHS Library. 

  • Schedule that phone reminder now! - Tuesday, Nov 12 is a night of learning about the WPHS Academy, the Advanced Placement® (AP) and DUAL Enrollment (DE) Programs. Both AP and DE programs offer students a chance to experience college-level coursework while still in high school but what are the differences?  Did you know that the WP Academy offers opportunities for students to explore careers in nursing, dental, welding, criminology, TV/media production and music/computer technology courses, and that the courses are taught by instructors with experience in the field.  
  • Our Guest Speakers will be Kevin McMahon, Director, WPHS Student Services, Jamie Carfang, Administrator, WPHS Academy and hear and learn firsthand from some of our amazing WP Academy students.  And one more fun thing ….. Attendees will have a chance to win a gift card donated by the Burson Family.  See You There. 

WPHS Teacher/Staff Holiday Party 

In celebration of the upcoming holiday season, the PTSA Board would like to ask for your support making this year's WPHS Teacher/Staff Holiday Party happen. The event is a simple gathering, but the available school funding is extremely limited. We are hoping for your help so that we can bring our collective resources and partner with the school to create a festive December 10th memory, bringing WP staff together and spoiling them a little. To donate and volunteer, please check out our sign up here.

To make a donation please scan QR code or   https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store Thank you, Your WPHS PTSA Board

An Evening to Swap N Shop to Benefit the WP PTSA - - Thursday, Nov. 21st, 6:00 -10:00 PM

What: Join us for a night of fun, food, good cheer, and live music while you Swap-n-Shop at the lovely home of Amy and Adam Fazackerley. 

When:  November 21st from 6pm to 10pm 

Where:  8418 Stable Drive in Alexandria, VA 22308.  

Why:  If you've never been to a PTSA Swap-n-Shop, this is a definite must!  Start off the holiday season right by connecting with friends and fellow WPHS parents.  There will be tasty appetizers, drinks, live music, and, of course, plenty of great cloths and accessories to "swap and shop" all in the name of supporting WPHS PTSA.  

Entry Fee / Suggested Donation: $40 (Adults only) 

What can I do to help:  We are ready for your fabulous clothes and accessories now!  Please drop off any new or like-new accessories (shoes, jewelry, handbags, scarves, reading glasses, etc.) and women's clothing (any season) on the front porch of 8418 Stable Drive Alexandria, VA  22308.  Last day to drop off - November 20th

Please purchase your tickets today https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store  

Thank you for your support of the WPHS PTSA and a HUGE thanks to the Fazackerley’s for hosting this great event!

School News

Has a West Potomac staff member made a difference for you?  Please take a moment to recognize them through the FCPS CARES PROGRAM by clicking here: https://www.fcps.edu/about-fcps/employees/recognition-programs/fcps-cares-program It will take just a few moments and will uplift the person being recognized.  

Please review Important information regarding the 

FCPS West Potomac Outstanding Employee Awards - nominate a WPHS Staff member today!  

College & Career Center

Wolverines - Please see information on several upcoming events!

ASBC 22nd Annual HBCU Festival:

  • The largest HBCU Festival returns!  The ASBC 22nd Annual Historically Black College & University (HBCU) Festival is being held November 8-9, 2024. This event is open to all high school students and will be held at The St. James Sports Complex in Springfield, VA.  The festival is dedicated to connecting high school students and their families to HBCUs and offers onsite admissions decisions, scholarship opportunities, and seminars. Students and their families are encouraged to register at https://tinyurl.com/ASBC-22ndHBCU-Festival Moving on to Life in the Community Resource Fair:

Each fall, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB), and the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) sponsor Moving on to Life in the Community: A Resource Fair. This event is designed for students with disabilities and their families to speak to adult agency and vendor representatives to gather information about available services for adults in need of ongoing support once they transition from FCPS. Agency representatives will be available to share information on adult service providers, employment and training programs, Medicaid, Social Security, residential options, and The Arc of Northern Virginia.

When:                 Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Where:               Fairfax High School Cafeteria

                                 3501 Lion Run, Fairfax, VA 22030

What:                  Exhibitor Fair

Learn about: supported employment options, day support programs, recreation/leisure activities, residential living options, travel training supports, advocacy, funding, and more!

Register online: https://tinyurl.com/ycx4bwec  

Multilingual Learners’ Day of Service: Our Voices, Our Future:

FCPS is thrilled to welcome back Dr. José Luis Zelaya—keynote speaker from this summer’s Multilingual Learners’ Summit—who will inspire secondary students to embrace the strengths of multilingualism. Dr. Zelaya will lead students through hands-on activities to build leadership skills and set a path for future success. This impactful service-learning experience will take place on Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. at Edison High School. Event Highlights:

  • Service-learning credit awarded to all attending students
  • Interactive student activities focused on leadership and community impact
  • Resources for Families Register on theFCPS event page


  • Whew! It’s been a couple of busy weeks for our students. Playoff games, Senior Nights, Common app deadlines & the end of the quarter! We hope that everyone relaxes this weekend & enjoys the extra days off.  Seniors: Please remind your seniors to fill out the Survey to order their Class T-shirt and Cap & Gown TODAY! https://forms.gle/pQJgM58ZB6G1Ryeq5 (your senior must be logged in to access the form) Thank you to Christina Fuentes for the Class of 2025 T-shirt design inspiration!! Parents: We have sold 2/3rds of our Senior Signs! Don't delay, order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign today!  Class of '25 Signs Purchase here: https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1113130 Thank you to Brielle Kirk for the Senior Sign design inspiration!! SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via MySchoolBucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma Covers, Programs, Eagle Bank Transportation, etc...).


Senior Administrator: Janet Babic ([email protected]) Senior Class Sponsors: Sejal Parekh ([email protected]) & Tracy Scheel ([email protected])

School and Club Fundraisers  


6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

WPHS News You Choose - 10/25/24

GovDelivery3 months 2 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Table of Contents       

  • Important Dates      
  • Principal Message   
  • PTSA      
  • School News 
  • School Fundraisers      
  • Class of 2025   

Important Dates        

October 26 - Wolverine Athletic Booster Club Marketplace Event, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm      

October 27 - Dance Team FUNDrive, 8:00 - 11:00 am at WPHS     

October 31 - End of First Quarter – Two-Hour Early Release     

October 31 - November 9 - PUFFS – Fall Play (dates and times listed below) 

November 1 – Diwali Holiday – No School 

November 2 - PUFFS Wand Making Workshop, 3:00 - 4:00 pm 

November 4 - Student Holiday (School Planning Day for Staff)      

November 5 – Student Holiday (Teacher Workday) 

November 5 - Drawing for a Family Photo Session by Renee C. Gage    

November 9 - PUFFS - Puppet-Making Workshop, 3:00-4:00 pm 

November 11 – Veterans Day – No School 

November 12 - PTSA Meeting 6:30 pm Library, West Potomac Academy (overview, student panel, Q&A) 

November 21 - West Po Swap-n-Shop to support PTSA (see more info below) 

November 29 - Crew Wreath In-person Sale Begins    

June 2 - Class of 2025 Graduation, 9:30 am 

Principals Message

Happy Friday West Potomac Community,

It has been a great week for the Wolverines. 

I want to say congratulations to freshman, student golfer, Isabel Vizgaitis, for making to the Girls State Golf tournament on Monday, October 28.  I personally have seen her compete and she is a force out on the course!  We wish her luck on Monday in Harrisonburg as she represents West Potomac High School.  This is first time in fourteen years that we have had a female golfer make it to States!

On Thursday night, I was invited to attend our FCPS School Board meeting and was honored for our Virginia Department of Education Exemplar Award for Continuous Improvement.  This is a huge honor, and we are only one of two schools in Fairfax County to make such great strides forward in education. 

Today, Friday, we were able to honor our newest inductees in the West Potomac Hall of Fame.  The inductees honored were Ronald Grow, Katharine Perry DeLorenzo, James Pearson, Rachel Burke, and William Rupp.   Their hard work and dedication have shown in their high school lives as well as beyond.

Congratulations to our DECA DLC Winners!!! We are on our way to VA DECA State Competition 2025. Thank you to Mr. Wise, Mr. Riley and Mr. Thiele for helping make our students so successful.

VERY IMPORTANT!   Return Your Federal Impact Aid Survey

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available online in SIS ParentVUE. If you have not already filled out the form online, we will provide paper forms in November. Please be sure to return them by Friday, November 17

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important, because information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

Please watch this video and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page for more information.  

Need to Register for ParentVUE? 

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey. 

Technical support for using ParentVUE or completing the survey online is available by submitting a Parent Support Request ticket. Select SISParent in the Application dropdown menu and type Federal Impact Aid Survey under Issue Description. Or, call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I hope to see many of you at the West Potomac Marketplace, here, tomorrow, Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm.  Come out and do some shopping and help our school at the same time!


Jessica Statz


Expecting to miss some days of school? Return of WRAP!  

  • WRAP (West Potomac Recovering Attendance Program) is a program designed to help gain time back if your student has been out of school to avoid being Chronically Absent.  There will be 12 Friday sessions across the year and each one gains back a full attendance day.  If your student will be out for an extended period of time this year (ex. planned surgery), I encourage you to send your student to start making up the days early in the year.  WRAP is designed to be a library-like atmosphere where it isn’t silent, but generally quiet study hall.  Pizza is served at the end and some small raffles are also given out.  Buses are available for transportation.  Finally, the WRAP dates are all scheduled around sporting events, so we encourage the students to go to the event when it’s over, as well.  


  • Dec 13  
  • Jan 24, 31  
  • Feb 7  
  • Mar 7  
  • April 4, 25  
  • May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 

PTSA (Parent, Teacher, Student Association)  

Our next PTSA Meeting is Tuesday, November 12, 6:30 PM – WPHS Library.   Have you been wondering what an FCPS academy is?  Did you know West Potomac is home to one of the 6 FCPS academies?  Please join the PTSA for an informative evening learning about WP Academy and engaging with students and instructors as they share their academy experiences and answer some Q&A.  WP Academy offers opportunities for students to explore careers in Health and Medical Sciences, Trade & Industrial and Communication & the Arts. Course offerings include nursing, fire & emergency medical services, dental, welding, criminology, TV/media production and music/computer technology. All Academy classes are taught by instructors with experience in the field. Come explore!  

WPHS Teacher/Staff Holiday Party 

In celebration of the upcoming holiday season, the PTSA Board would like to ask for your support in making this year's WPHS Teacher/Staff Holiday Party happen. The event is a simple gathering, but the available school funding is extremely limited. We are hoping for your help so that we can bring our collective resources and partner with the school to create a festive December 10th memory, bringing WP staff together and spoiling them a little.   To donate and volunteer please check out our sign up here.

To make a donation please scan QR code or visit: https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store

4th Annual WPHS PTSA Swap-n-Shop Event- Thursday, Nov. 21st, 6:00 -10:00 PM 

Looking for a little extra closet space and a place to donate your fabulous but rarely worn clothes and accessories, it’s Swap-n- Shop Time!  Items can be dropped off now to 8418 Stable Dr, Alexandria. 

Please purchase your tickets today at https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store  

Thank you for your support of the WPHS PTSA and a HUGE thanks to the Fazackerly’s for hosting this great event!  

School News 

West Potomac Student Brielle Kirk Accepted into the Virginia Senior Honors Choir! 

Congratulations to Brielle Kirk for making it into the Virginia Senior Honors Choir! Brielle is the only West Potomac High School student to get into the Senior Honors Choir and is one of four students from District X and one of 30 students in FCPS to get in. Senior Honors Choir is a Virginia Music Educators Association Honors Choir. It is an elite honors choir where students will rehearse with nationally recognized conductors and collaborate with fellow musicians. The choir is only open to 12th-grade students enrolled in school choral programs throughout the State of Virginia. Students underwent a rigorous audition process which included performing rehearsed and sight-read pieces. The concert will be held Saturday, November 23rd at 1pm at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel in Norfolk, VA. Great job Brielle! 


Has a West Potomac staff member made a difference for you?  Please take a moment to recognize them through the FCPS CARES PROGRAM by clicking here: https://www.fcps.edu/about-fcps/employees/recognition-programs/fcps-cares-program It will take just a few moments and will uplift the person being recognized.  

Please review Important information regarding the 

FCPS West Potomac Outstanding Employee Awards - nominate a WPHS Staff member today!  

CLASS OF 2025 

  • Our first event of the year, Donut Day, was a huge success! We couldn't have done it without our awesome parent & staff volunteers. Thank you to everyone who contributed! Photos are posted on our Facebook & Instagram pages.  
  • We have several action items that need your attention: 
    • Seniors: Please remind your seniors to fill out the Survey to order their Class T-shirt and Cap & Gown TODAY! https://forms.gle/pQJgM58ZB6G1Ryeq5 (your senior must be logged in to access the form) 
    • Thank you to Christina Fuentes for the Class of 2025 T-shirt design inspiration!! Parents:  We have sold 2/3rds of our Senior Signs! Don't delay, order your Class of 2025 Senior Sign today!  Class of '25 Signs Purchase here: https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1113130 Thank you to Brielle Kirk for the Senior Sign design inspiration!!  
    • SENIOR DUES Please pay your Senior Dues via MySchoolBucks by December 20th. Dues are $85 this year. This covers graduation expenses (Cap & Gown, Diploma Covers, Programs, Eagle Bank Transportation, etc...). 
    • SENIOR PICTURES: FREE SESSIONS AVAILABLE! We want all seniors included in the Yearbook! If you have not already, please sign up for senior pictures using this link: https://seniors.legacystudios.com/west- potomac-hs-alexandria-va/  
    • DIRECT DONATIONS - $25 BEFORE ‘25 We have kicked off our $25 before ‘25 fundraising campaign! Please consider donating to help fund our Senior Bash in May. Thanks! LINK TO DONATE: https://westpotomacptsa.givebacks.com/store/items/1078125 

School and Club Fundraisers  



Date: Sunday, December 22nd  

Time: I pm  

Location: Northwest Stadium  

Cost: $99.00  

Section: 429  

Rows: 17 and Up  

Attendees: Open to students/parents/siblings/teachers  


Contacts: Carinne Hackshaw & Jean-Marie Simpson  

Email: [email protected]              [email protected]  

6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307  | Main Office: 703-718-2500
Attendance | Web | Twitter

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West Potomac High School News and announcements
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