Mr. Cooper Recognized as FCPS CARES of the Quarter Recipient!
October 2024 Region 3 & FCPS Cares of the Quarter Recipient

Congratulations to Mr. Lawrence Cooper on his recognition as the October 2024 FCPS CARES Region 3 Recipient of the Month, presented by the FCPS Department of Human Resources. Mr. Cooper was further recognized as the recipient of the FCPS CARES of the Quarter for the entire county, presented by Dr. Reid, FCPS School Board members, and WPHS staff. Mr. Cooper was awarded $500 as part of the Quarter CARES award, sponsored by Educate Fairfax and Apple Federal Credit Union.
The FCPS CARES Program allows parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story below so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.

Below is the write-up submitted anonymously.
I would like to take this time to thank Mr. Lawrence Cooper for going above and beyond the call of duty for CAT B students here at West Potomac. Mr. Cooper engages and motivates his students in many different activities, some of which are non-conventional and lots of fun. His repertoire ranges from cooking, gardening, painting, shop (like building furniture), and arts and crafts, to name a few. He engages students to be creative and think outside the box, making tables with real bugs, flowers, sand, and lots of other natural stuff. Whatever will teach his students a greater sense of independence is what Mr. Cooper strives to do. He held a Graduation Banquet at a local restaurant after school for his senior class. He presented each student with a gift bag and a framed picture. Mr. Cooper promotes a team spirit here at West Potomac. He prepares a Soul Food Luncheon in February for Black History Month and a Fish Fry in April for Jazz History Month every year for staff. He decorates the hallway outside his classroom, displaying artifacts he has collected to share with students and staff over the years. Mr. Cooper is generous to a fault; every year, he comes out of his own pocket to feed students and staff. Mr. Cooper steps up to put out fires and is always someone the Special Education Department (SPED) can depend on...... Thank you for your commitment to excellence and Teamsmanship!"